5DMII Help Form Southern California!!


Help.. We are traveling thru California.. Does anyone know of where we can purchase a 5D MII and pick up a MII at a local store B&M. We are near Santa Barbara till Wednesday. After that there no comitments till after the first. With or without the kit no problem. Thanx Jak & Mary Tracy...


Fry's gave me a call form Portland,, They got 5 in.. but we are are 500 miles away now... It might help someone near there.. Jak


send me an email. where in socal are you going to be and when will you need it?send me email to ek5686@gmail.com -- ek


Try Canoga camera, Best Buy, Frys etc, Mel Pierce Camera. -- Dr. Dan

Skip M

There's a Samy's there in Santa Barbara, not sure of the address. Also, other's have suggested Canoga, and there's Calumet in Santa Monica and San Diego/Escondido (my home store, by the way.) -- Skip M http://www.shadowcatcherimagery.com http://www.pbase.com/skipm http://skipm.smugmug.com/ 'Living in the heart of a dream, in the Promised Land!' John Stewart


Thanx for your help.. but I keep coming up dry in sunny So. Cal. and yes it is raining here!! Thanx Jak.


This sounds nuts, but you may also want to check out Circuit City. The ones going out of biz in my area are discounting their items.


Did a Google on Circut City.. OMG saw pics from this sat.. a war zone. reminds me of the riots of 65 in LA.. I was there. sad sad sad. their web site tells of liquidators take over.. Thanx a good try I had not thought of.. Doing this search for a 5DMII is as much fun as finding ELVIS. Thanx again Jak

David I Hale

Keep checking the Best Buy site and check the local stores for it being in stock. I did this for about 5 days, usually checking twice a day.. I checked all over so-cal.. I'd see them pop up in stores for a bit, but most of the stores were too far, and they only lasted about a day.. on the 5th day my local store in the afternoon suddenly popped up with some in stock, I ran down there and grabbed one and used the 10% off coupon for in store purchases. They had gotten 3 in that morning, and it took a few hours for it to show up in inventory online, which is why it didn't show up until afternoon on the site. When I got there they had to go find the shipment in the back room, it hadn't even made it to the floor yet. By the next morning the other two were gone.If you are using the in-store coupon, the guy at my local store said you can call them and they will hold it for you until you get there, as long as it's within a few hours. If you are not using an in store coupon, you can just buy it right there off the web site with in store pick up and then go get it. -- http://www.TheDirtyLens.com


sent you another email. i don't know if you got my last one. -- ek


Check with Scott at Woodland Hills Camera.


Try calling Best Buy and of course Sammys.


Thanx Everyone.. We have been thru Cal. AZ and are now in Reno, NV and are now heading home to Spokane WA. Our quest for the 5DMII did not work out. We have not had access to the Internet until now. Forced to use a 5D is not so bad.. Thank You Again Jak


I found a kit.. At Fry's in Woodland, OR. Now we have to go out and take some pictures... Thanx Again Jak Ycart Tracy spelled backworks...
