5D mkII and AUTO ISO logic


i just don't get why canon can't get thisthis and making the ends of the histogram invisible under outdoor lighting just make me wonderJohn Sheehywrote:joebloewrote:It sounds like a good idea; in practice, it really isn't necessary. I'm not sure it's even convenient. In fact it may not even be a good idea.In the 5.5 years I have been using digital cameras, this has presented itself as the thing I need most out of my cameras. I have to try to work around the lack of this mode in various ways, all of which result in lots of ruined images; f/40 shots of hawks in flight; 1/10 second blurs at 560mm, etc, etc.The most important thing to me when shooting, most of the time, is the shutter speed, and the f-stop. ISO is a distant second.

Martin Brand

i have a pentax k20d, and can confirm that the functions discussed in this thread are relevant and useful. specifically:1) it has a TAv mode, where one can simply choose the aperture and the shutter speed, and the camera chooses the ISO. i actually use this a lot: for example, when i use my 300mm f4.0 in dimmer light, i set the shutter speed to the slowest i know will not blur (1/150), and the aperture to wide open so i get the least noise. the camera then picks the exact ISO, which could vary from 1000-3000 depending on particular scene. it is very useful.2) of course, one can select both upper and lower limit of Auto-ISO. i really fail to see the upside in depriving photographers of choice here. also, why would the camera go to 1/f shutter speed with an IS lens? it could probably take a higher quality picture with a somewhat slower shutter speed and lower ISO. that is the default behaviour of Auto ISO on the K20D (even though one can customise it)Both these functions should be really easy to implement, and soI am somewhat baffled why a great camera like the 5D lacks them, given the day-to-day usefulness.

Dena Flows

if I work in Aperture Priority is there any way to control the shutter speed if I need a minimum faster than 1/focal length (e.g. for fast subjetcs which I used to shoot at)?I don't have my gear here so I can't make proofs myself right now but there's something I think that could be done to get a fixed 1/200 shutter while shooting Av mode and AutoISO.Not a panacea, I know, but could be something. This way:Set Av mode and select the aperture you needSet the appropriate Custom function (again, don't have my camera here) to get a fixed Shutter speed of 1/200 when shooting with flash (a range between 1/60 and 1/200 is selectable too). Set the appropriate Custom function for the flash NOT to fire.In theory this should work. Perhaps it needs a flash (or ST-E2 wich is handier) mounted, I don't know.As said, not a panacea but something.Hope it works, hope is helpful.All the best. Dena Flows

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