My first 5dmkII TV style news report video published

dan chung

For all the doubters this is the first TV style news report I've done on the 5dmkII with my Nikon lenses. It was on the front of the Guardian website this morning and it's been posted on Youtube here has been quite a learning curve with the 5dmkII for video but there is little doubt in my mind that you actually use this camera to do the news, not just art.Dan

glowie NYC

i love how the old man has a british accent. oh and the 5d II really does rock! -- glowie NYC

dan chung

apologies the video is down for the moment, hope to get it up again shortly


Dan,The video on the Guardian front page now, is that using the 5D II? With the tiltshift at the beginning I assumed so and logged into dpreview to see if you'd mentioned it.Great work as always. --

dan chung

Yes it is, I didn't realise that was going to make it onto the front. That's the second 5dmkII video on there today!The other one is back on youtube now here


Did you use any kind of 'poor mans' steadycam for the moving shots? They look rather smooth.

dan chung

I do have a Steadicam but I didn't use it for this, I was just holding the camera in my hands, a full rig would have been too obtrusive. Using a ultra wide lens helps too.Dan

dan chung

Not sure what the bug isDan


They are returning home!

dan chung

Now also on Vimeo here for anyone having problems with Youtube (especially from China where its seems to be blocked half the time)


How did you do the audio?dan chungwrote:For all the doubters this is the first TV style news report I've done on the 5dmkII with my Nikon lenses. It was on the front of the Guardian website this morning and it's been posted on Youtube here has been quite a learning curve with the 5dmkII for video but there is little doubt in my mind that you actually use this camera to do the news, not just art.Dan

dan chung

Using a Sony radio mic straight into the camera for the reporters shots. I then had someone hold the same maic just out of frame for the interviews. All other ambient noise shots are just the camera's built in mic.Dan


Thanks. Great work!ddan chungwrote:Using a Sony radio mic straight into the camera for the reporters shots. I then had someone hold the same maic just out of frame for the interviews. All other ambient noise shots are just the camera's built in mic.Dan

Ravitej Khalsa

This is a great example of where journalism is going. Newspapers are creating videos for the websites and the same camera is used to capture for print. This is professional reporting with light and easy tools.Kindly tell us about your Nikon lenses used on the camera. And the adapter. Are you using manual aperture adjust and if so how does it work for you? At what apertures are you able to work and how?The Sony "Radio Mic." It seems to work well in the crowd. What model is that? In the shot from above with the reporter in the crowd the voice is quite clear and the crowd noise not intrusive. How was that done?You seem to have a good team and knowledge to work with here. Are more of the ENG crews using the 5D2?

dan chung

I agree, still cameras with video will be the way forward for a lot of newspaper folk, its just a matter of time.I am using pretty much all the Nikon lenses I own. For this particular video I kept it simple with a 17-35 f2.8, a 80-200 f2.8 and a 16mm f2.8 fisheye.The radio mic is this one haven't seen any other ENG crews using a 5dmkII yet but there is a lot of talk about it here.Dan

Ravitej Khalsa

Thanks for the valuable info. We are looking at which Nikon lenses to get for our design studio in-house 5D2 to allow manual aperture.And the wireless mic is certainly something absolutely necessary for ENG. That Sony did sound good.The following is an excerpt from Roy Williams Monday Morning Memo for the Wizard of Ads Academy.Media Makeover“I walk to the end of the driveway each morning to retrieve a newspaper telling me things I’ve known for 24 hours.” Very few newspapers are healthy. The New York Times, that standard bearer of journalism, would have collapsed but for last week’s infusion of $250 million by Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim. With that newspaper’s $1 billion in debt recently reduced to junk-bond status and only $46 million in cash reserves, the Times would have failed in May, 2009. In the past, “columnists” and “reporters” were merely people who had access to a publishing pipeline. But in an Internet-connected world, isn’t every blogger both columnist and reporter? Last week said, "Got some good photos of the inauguration? Send them to us." How many more months will pass before newspapers are published digitally and round-the-clock from volunteer reports submitted from around the world?


Hi Dan,Well done.I wondered on Vimeo I noticed a jerkiness while the video was playing. Motion like people walking across the frame were not smooth, its a bit subtle. Is this camera, post or server?

dan chung

five0guy, not sure what you are seeing there, have you tried downloading it from Vimeo?Dan


The one on YouTube was nice and smooth. Very nice work. I mentioned on several threads when this camera first came out that the video feature would be used by journalists like you. The future is NOW!

Matthew Range

Hi DanI've watched your videos with keen interest for the last months.I keep vacillating between getting a 5d2 along with manual nikkor lenses now or waiting to see if something better from canon comes along. Your answers may steer me in the making a final choice.It really all boils down to shutter speed. Is it noticeable when the camera changes it?Are you able to lock shutter speed during filming at all?Is it noticeable when you cut from one scene to another and the shutter speed is different?In many videos I see stuttering (known issue for the 5D2). Is this just something that is happening online or are you just keeping it in the final cut as it is part of the cameras quirks...Anything else I should consider before making a decision?Thanks!!! -- Is it done yet?

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