Image mayhem

wide angle

No this is not 5D II related and some think this might be the wrong forum but this one is a toughie. I know that the cam is not really worth the repair, just trying to shed some light on the situation. The reason I posted here is that all the tech people lurk around here and have allways the right answer to the problems. So, if anybody wants to have a stab in the dark please do so.The cam is old and used a lot, never fell down or got submerged in any kind of liquid including tequila or beer. The problem started out of a sudden, worked fine until a couple of days a go.Thanks for the help


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I have tried hard to achieve this effect, how do you do it. Abstract art without human intervention.

Oak and Acorn

And I mean did it look like that when you viewed the image on your camera's LCD screen BEFORE being transferred to your computer?

wide angle

Oak and Acornwrote:And I mean did it look like that when you viewed the image on your camera's LCD screen BEFORE being transferred to your computer?This is the same image that is on the LCD screen of the cam and the image got downloaded via a card reader.

wide angle

DuffysPhotoswrote:I have tried hard to achieve this effect, how do you do it. Abstract art without human intervention.I guess the cam has some sort of malfunction, after looking at the result I start to like it too.There is nothing different than just pressing the shutter, no changing settings or using any kind of weird add on’s.

Andre Affleck

Never seen a malfunction like that before. When there are hardware problems, they usually manifest as horizontal patterns, color casts, or with square chunks missing from the image. Here you have vertical streaks that are neither random nor structured. Almost abstract as another poster mentioned. It's as if the main reflex mirror moved while the sensor was being exposed (since the blur is vertical), but the blur is not soft enough to be motion blur. I don't how the color data could be blended like that.

wide angle

In case you dont feel like going to flickr

Oak and Acorn

wide anglewrote:This is the same image that is on the LCD screen of the cam and the image got downloaded via a card reader.Then I would recommend trying a different card if you haven't already. Presumably, you have already done this. Other then that, I'd say a call to Canon Service is in order.
