Timer Remote - TR3MAA (generic)
Has anyone tried this generic timer remote? I found it on Amazon (only two reviews there) but since it is less half the price of the Canon and seems to provide the same functionality I am considering it especially considering my less than spotless record for losing camera remotes.http://www.amazon.com/Control-Shutter-Digital-Cameras-compatible/dp/B0018205KE/ref=pd_bbs_sr_3?ie=UTF8&s=electronics&qid=1232957213&sr=8-3Thanks, Brian
I asked a few days ago about 3rd party timer remotes too. As you say they seem to have every feature the official Canon ones do. No one replied but I decided to go ahead and give it a try. When it arrives I'll post how it goes.
Thanks, I guess the tradition of limited replies continues!
Peter Crees
I bought a brand new Canon RC-1 remote controller from pixlamb, an ebay shop, for £13.99 including postage. It was delivered within 2 days - a good service at a low price.