NCAA Soccer from today

Paul North

Hi everyone,Here are some shots from todays NCAA DII mens soccer game. Dowling vs. CW Post, Dowling wone the DII title last year, and it seems like they can do it again this year.All shots taken with the 40D + 400 f2.8 L @f4 and I tried over exposing by +1/3 instead of +2/3 and it seemed to work a little better for me! a little more detail in the shots and not as many blown highlights. I also cropped a few some at about 20% others at about 50% and some are the originals.Let me know what you think.



In percent?

Paul North

These were all taken in AV mode using only the center AF point. My keeper rate was believe it or not about 85% the 40D does not allow any room for error! once you move the center af point off of the subject it grabs whatever is there and focuses on that! but with the 400mm it isn't to hard keeping the center AF point on the subject.I will be taking a night HS football game next week, I will be shooting at iso 3200 with this setup and will post some samples from that as well.

Nathan Yan

Perhaps it's different monitor calibrations, but almost all of the images look very overexposed. The white jerseys are blown out on most of the players. It may be easier to aim for underexposure, since it's far easier to raise the images than it is to restore highlights (and you get a little more shutter speed as well).

Paul North

Not at all, as a matter of fact, I increased the shadow detail a bit. When you are shooting subjects in white, the camera will under expose on its own due to the brightness, so you want to keep the faces and shadows a little brighter. Like I said I usually over expose by +2/3 on a 1Dmk2n, but it seems like the 40D does just fine at +1/3. People don't care if a shirt is over exposed, but if a players face is too dark in the shadow area, or behind a face mask, it becomes a problem. I don't know many no I don't know any sports photogs who do not overexpose, and there is a reason for it. My goal is to try and get everything right on the field! less work to do in the office. This game started at 4pm, and at this time of the year the sun is low shortly after that so you get faces that are half lit and half shadowed, so you need to have a happy medium.Paul. -- check out my pics...
