***Mini-Challenge 279 - Engineer's point of view ***
At first, big thanks to Horst for choosing my photo as winner in the previuos challenge!!It really was tricky to choose the topic for next challenge, but here it comes: "Engineer's point of view"I could not find similar challenge at least from few previous years so I decided to give this a go. I'm an engineer myself and I would say that I'm quite technically oriented person so this idea came into my mind.Idea is basically; show me a photo where you think that someone (engineer maybe) has done a great job when creating something beatiful out of machinery. By machinery I mean cars, clocks, cranes, kitchenware, ships, tanks or whatever comes in your mind. I thought that I don't want photos of complete machines (cars, bikes etc.) unless very well argumented, but rather beautiful details or machines that may create a spectacular scenery against something.I hope that you can get the idea, to see the "beauty in machines" and post some great photos to show!Some examples will follow this post.The challenge will close at 12 p.m. CET, Monday, March 21st.The RulesThe host gives you a topic of interest and you get going. You post your image(s).The host chooses the winner. The decision of the judge (the host) is final. The judge is not eligible. The winner then chooses the next topic, judges the winner, and passes on the baton to that person.Any picture you've taken is eligible regardless of time taken and camera.You can do all the post processing you want. However, it is most helpful if you list your camera and lens along with your photo (because we like to know).Feel free to comment on other contestant’s images. If you want someone to leave you a piece of constructive criticism, put an asterisk next to the title of the image.Posting guidelinesWhen posting your picture, change the Subject of your post to display your picture titles. This way, when someone comments (i.e. replies), it will refer specifically to you. If all entries read "Re: Mini-Challenge xxx"... it would be very boring to scan the list.Either embed your image in the thread or, if you must, supply a link to it. Keep in mind, however, most people don't want to click to open photos hosted elsewhere (i.e. on your website).You may enter up to 3 pictures, but try to put them within a single post. Please give a title to each photo - this makes it easier to differentiate when giving comments.Please size your photo no bigger than around 1200 pixels on the longest dimension. This is to let those with smaller monitors to see your image at full resolution. Please limit the file size of your entries to conserve bandwidth.As a show of courtesy, and to save bandwidth, please remove the original post when replying, so you don't bring back any previous photos.Some previous Mini-Challenges249 Old http://forums.dpreview.com/...d.asp?forum=1031&thread=35524167&page=1 250 Sunrise/Sunset http://forums.dpreview.com/...forums/read.asp?forum=1031&message=35584920 251 Joy/Happiness http://forums.dpreview.com/...forums/read.asp?forum=1031&message=35645459 252 Don't need No introductions http://forums.dpreview.com/.../forums/read.asp?forum=1031&thread=35722109 253 Compositional Balance http://forums.dpreview.com/...forums/read.asp?forum=1031&message=35798982 254 Distorted Perspective http://forums.dpreview.com/...forums/read.asp?forum=1031&message=35863679 255 Still Life With A Difference http://www.dpreview.com/.../forums/read.asp?forum=1031&message=35939995 256 The Best Photos I Ever Took http://forums.dpreview.com/...forums/read.asp?forum=1031&message=36008075 257 Children http://forums.dpreview.com/...forums/read.asp?forum=1031&message=36071564 258 Homo Sapiens In Absentia http://forums.dpreview.com/...forums/read.asp?forum=1031&message=36170173 259 Black and White http://forums.dpreview.com/...forums/read.asp?forum=1031&message=36250536 260 Primes http://forums.dpreview.com/...forums/read.asp?forum=1031&message=36321165 261 Performance http://forums.dpreview.com/...forums/read.asp?forum=1031&message=36423630 262 Lessons Learned http://forums.dpreview.com/...forums/read.asp?forum=1031&message=36512700 263 In Living Color http://forums.dpreview.com/...forums/read.asp?forum=1031&message=36593250 264 Shadows http://forums.dpreview.com/...forums/read.asp?forum=1031&message=36678476 265 Cross-eyed Stereo http://forums.dpreview.com/.../forums/read.asp?forum=1031&thread=36739837 266 Halloween http://forums.dpreview.com/...forums/read.asp?forum=1031&message=36806495 267 Bleak http://forums.dpreview.com/...forums/read.asp?forum=1031&message=36986127 268 Isolated Subject http://forums.dpreview.com/...forums/read.asp?forum=1031&message=36995432 269 Christmas Lights http://forums.dpreview.com/.../forums/read.asp?forum=1031&thread=37077292 270 Cold http://forums.dpreview.com/...forums/read.asp?forum=1031&message=37206500 271 New Year http://forums.dpreview.com/...forums/read.asp?forum=1031&message=37295966 272 In Motion http://forums.dpreview.com/...forums/read.asp?forum=1031&message=37391643 273 The Fog http://forums.dpreview.com/...forums/read.asp?forum=1031&message=37496819 274 Above The Clouds http://forums.dpreview.com/...forums/read.asp?forum=1031&message=37565320 275 Natural Abstraction http://forums.dpreview.com/...forums/read.asp?forum=1031&message=37651353 276 Derelict Buildings http://forums.dpreview.com/...forums/read.asp?forum=1031&message=37746547 277 Creative Framing http://forums.dpreview.com/...forums/read.asp?forum=1031&message=37826432 278 Blue Hour http://forums.dpreview.com/forums/read.asp?forum=1031&message=37895093Looking forward to your entries, Janne
Ok, so here are few that could fit the subject, they are not very good as samples, but hopefully open up the idea a little bit more:Wooden car wheel constructed from several piecesHuge fan inside a large machine create a graphical image
I really like the fan!
Sweet! Just love the old stuff.
Port Royal Dad
BahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahI know, I know...it's really a rusty winch.r/Mike -- B.R.A.S.S. (Breathe, Relax, Aim, Sight, Squeeze)
Not sure if this is what you are looking for, but here are some antique equipment:Seamstress, Treddle Sewing MachingCheff, OvensDishwasher, Oh, you get the idea.Machinist, LatheMechanic or Electrician, Diesel Engine with Dinamo AttachedSmelter, Bellows, crucibles, and oven
Quite literally, the technician's point of view:Sisters of MercyThe Forest
Edward In Toronto
You got the point right, just keep them coming! Some great ones over there already.Can be old or new, doesn't matter
Interesting and reallydeservedtopic Question is, if I have some pics. Sincerely , mech.engineer guinness2
Clocktower GearsSatellite DishOil Rig
Mike Tansey
A hoist gearing.
Jacek Dolata
Engineering Expressed in Architecture - Through the Ages . . .Ancient Engineering. .The reflected glory of Medieval Engineering at Salisbury Cathedral. .Almost Modern EngineeringRegards,Jim
The Sisters of Mercy are still touring!!! I am listening to them as I we speak (well, type). What are the chances.Great pictures of the tech's!
Count the first three as my entries. The others are just an overflow of passion for this minichallenge...The first two are taken from inside a Russian Scorpion class submarine, Foxtrot: . Torpedo Room. Instrument panel and wheel. B&W, taken from the underside of San Pedro Bridge in San Pedro, CA:.Chopped cycle in Holister, CA, where Marlon Brando rode his in that famous movie:.An old house built in Salinas, CA and then moved over ten miles down River Road. Both the house itself and moving it were minor miracles of engineering:.No, these two aircraft aren't mounted one atop the other. That WOULD be a feat of engineering, wouldn't it?.The Bay Bridge, San Francisco, CA. It is now being taken down and replaced by a new, more earthquake resistant bridge. The old one, shown here, was a true miracle of engineering. It partially collapsed during the Loma Prieta quake in October, 1989.
swiftshadow, thanks for participating, your frst ones are included, and others and great as well. This seems to be a tough one to judge (again), really a lot of great captures already listed!