kit/50mm 1.4/70-200 help?
I am going to be attending a wedding this weekend and I'd really like to get some group shots in (family in from out of town). I'm loving my Canon 400D with kit lens and now my Canon 50mm 1.4. With my kit lens I could take very crisp images but I'd have to do alot of color correction, etc. and fake background blur and stuff in elements. Now with my new 50mm lens, I'm worried about these group shots and getting everyones face crisp, but not worried about skin color or that nice background blur. What settings should I use? I know a tiny bit about speed and aperture and how to acheive good exposure but with this new lens it seems so different. Since the wedding is this weekend, does anyone have any specific suggestions on what to set my camera at (AI servo and all...) Sorry if this is too broad. JUST NEED CRISP FACES for all people in the shots. Could be 2 could be 9 little flower girls (yeah, 9!). Should I back up and use a borrowed 70-200 f/4.5-5.6 (i think that was the specs of the lens I borrowed before...not a low f stop but I'll shoot in good light outdoors) - would that help me or should I stay with the 50 1.4? Any help is great. Many thanks.