Focus Issues with X-T3 and XF16-80mmF4 when zoomed


enzohagz wrote:boogisha wrote:Frankly, I find it pretty unbelievable that Osaka Fuji service center "couldn't find any obvious issues with it", but at the same time "they acknowledged the MF issue but brushed it off and told me to just use AF" - what the... indeed.Just return it, both camera and lens (if bought together), as you have malfunctioning gear on your hands, being acknowledged by the service center as well (no matter if they find the issue "obvious" or not, lol) - you should cut no slack for a new camera and lens combo where manual focus does not work straight-out-of-the-box (and worse, you have issues with auto-focus, too, no matter service center didn`t confirm that).If possible, you may go back to your camera dealer and see if another lens behaves better on that camera, or vice-versa - try another camera with that same lens. Eventually, just replace both for a new combo... possibly (but not necessarily) from a different dealer as well.Will pay them another visit next weekend. Returns are tricky here in Japan, but aftermarket service is usually top notch. I've already registered the warranty with them during the first visit, so I should have a year of free service. Thanks to the whole global situation, the service staff seem to have a lot of free time these days.I suspect its either a calibration error, or some of the lens/motor elements are just ever so slightly misaligned causing the occasional lockup when it doesn't have enough momentum to move past it.Or could it be even a connection issue between the two? Have you tested the body with a different lens and the lens with a different body?Thanks

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