A few bird pics from the 50-230mm
Just thought i'd share these. As some of you are most likely aware i'm new to photography so any pointers/tips most welcome. I shot them using AF-S, aperture priority mode. Shutter speed was at least 1/500. I did it hand held. EC was increased a bit on occasion so hope that was ok?Hopefully getting my 70-300mm soon. I did try the 100-400 on loan but found it far to heavy my frailty.i increased colour temp using fuji x raw
Nice job!I just ordered a copy of that lens so I am glad to see it delivers sharp results here.Since you mentioned wanting feedback, overall for a new photographer I like what I see. Your focus is good which can be really difficult for birds. I would say two things:
fujiian wrote:Nice job!I just ordered a copy of that lens so I am glad to see it delivers sharp results here.Since you mentioned wanting feedback, overall for a new photographer I like what I see. Your focus is good which can be really difficult for birds. I would say two things:Hey, thank you for your helpful advice. I've made a note of this and will be sure to put those tips into practice
AE Conrady
Very nice photos, ausgezeichnet. Not so easy with a 230mm which is on the short side of focal length for birding.