M monochrome CCD in 2023


My MM finally shows signs of corrosion/delamination of the filter. Rather than trading it in for a small discount, I paid that amount to sent it to Kolari for the filter replacement. Job done well but pricy sending from Australia.I work with it with the pre-asph classic Summilux 35mm for the first few months this year, and shared my photos and thoughts about using the classic combo in 2023 here:https://hintingimage.com/mm_35luxHope you enjoy the post.

Thorsten Overgaard

Good to know. Mine has corrosion too, but only on sensor. Not in the photos.


You can only see the corrosion at small apertures, pointing to the sky. It has become visible this year on mine. All original sensors have the problem, but Leica will not fix it no moreAs you prefers open large aperture photography, those dots disappear with the optics?
