Replacement Batteries for Leica


Wolf's Head wrote:LeicaEye wrote:Wolf's Head wrote:Nick Payne wrote:Wolf's Head wrote:I think people worry too much about third party batteries - as long as they’re not left in an unused camera for long periods. I’ve used them in every digital camera I’ve owned over the last 20 years without problems (if ever a statement was tempting fate!).My experience is otherwise. Several years ago I purchased a couple of 3rd party batteries for an Olympus Pen-F. After a couple of years of use of all three batteries - the Olympus battery that came with the camera plus the two 3rd party, with use pretty evenly divided between all three - I had to discard the 3rd party batteries because they had swelled slightly and no longer easily fitted the camera's battery compartment. The Olympus original was still fine.Yes, but they caused no damage as the swelling was noticed outside the camera before it became a problem and they worked for a couple of years after which it would be cheap to replace them. At such low prices, it’s possible to do this several times before exceeding the cost of one OEM battery. I’m not strongly advocating this - I repeat my first sentence: “I think people worry too much…”.So, you offering a personal guarantee if a 3rd party battery damages my camera YOU will cover the cost of repair or replacement? - wow. LThat’s an odd way to express it. It’s a risk that I’ve assessed and found acceptable. Others must go through the same process and reach their own conclusions.Appreciate your candor, a slight backpedal is ok. Regards. L

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