Experiences with new Voigtlander Nokton 35mm 1.5?


Looking to upgrade my Nokton 35mm f1.4. Leica options are insanely expensive and Zeiss options are too bulky for the 1.4 so I've settled on a Voigtlander replacement.Reviews having been mixed. Some say the IQ is exceptional and sharp and others say at mid ranges, the IQ is less impressive.thanks!

Jay OC

Which version of the 1.4 Nokton do you have? I have the latest version that is multicoated. If I were to update it, I would probably go with the 35 Ultron or the APO Lanthar.One thing that I have noticed, when wide open, the DOF is very shallow


Jay OC wrote:Which version of the 1.4 Nokton do you have? I have the latest version that is multicoated. If I were to update it, I would probably go with the 35 Ultron or the APO Lanthar.One thing that I have noticed, when wide open, the DOF is very shallowI have the MC version. I think my man frustrations with it are (i) softness at 1.4, (ii) heavy vignetting at 1.4.The 1.5 version seems to improve both of these aspects.


I’m curious about this lens, too. I have the Ultron v2 and like everything about it except for the out of focus areas. I’m either going to get the 1.5 or spring for a Summicron, since 35 is my most-used focal length.This thread has some samples and reactions. My overall sense is that the lens is better than the reviews made it out to be.https://www.l-camera-forum.com/topic/340695-new-voigtlander-35mm-f15-type-i-and-ii-announced/


ISQ1993 wrote:I have the MC version. I think my man frustrations with it are (i) softness at 1.4, (ii) heavy vignetting at 1.4.There's the old version and v. ii. Both are available in SC and MC. The 2nd version has addressed some of the issues of the older (film) lens, suchg as focus shift.The 1.5 version seems to improve both of these aspects.It's a more modern lens, and Voigtlander has really upped its game in recent years.There's also the 35mm 1.2 ( meanwhile 3rd version)Here's the overview of current Voigtlander-lenses:VM- Mount | Voigtländer (voigtlaender.de)In the past, the Ultron 35 1.7 was widely acclaimed here. I have not used it myself though.

Jay OC

You may want to go to Mr. Leica.com or search YouTube for Matt Osborne. He has some good reviews of the 35mm lenses


Jay OC wrote:You may want to go to Mr. Leica.com or search YouTube for Matt Osborne. He has some good reviews of the 35mm lensesI don't love his reviews honestly, nor his channel generally.


Sjak wrote:ISQ1993 wrote:I have the MC version. I think my man frustrations with it are (i) softness at 1.4, (ii) heavy vignetting at 1.4.There's the old version and v. ii. Both are available in SC and MC. The 2nd version has addressed some of the issues of the older (film) lens, suchg as focus shift.The 1.5 version seems to improve both of these aspects.It's a more modern lens, and Voigtlander has really upped its game in recent years.There's also the 35mm 1.2 ( meanwhile 3rd version)Here's the overview of current Voigtlander-lenses:VM- Mount | Voigtländer (voigtlaender.de)In the past, the Ultron 35 1.7 was widely acclaimed here. I have not used it myself though.Apologies for lack of clarity. I have the v2 version.

Jay OC

Like all reviewers, he is expressing his opinions. But he does have comparisons between lenses that not many others have. He did review the 1.5 against others and it compared quite well. I have considered selling my 35 Nokton and getting the Apo Lanthar. While I like the Nokton, I believe a F2 lens would be better suited for me. Other reviewers have given the Apo Lanthar good reviews too


Quimago also often reviews Voigtländer-glass, including the 35 1.5. Like in al his reviews, he goes over the specsbuil, handling, image properties and a conclusion.


ISQ1993 wrote:Jay OC wrote:You may want to go to Mr. Leica.com or search YouTube for Matt Osborne. He has some good reviews of the 35mm lensesI don't love his reviews honestly, nor his channel generally.I'm not too fond of his reviews either. There is a tendency between some YouTubers to see which one puts his face closer to the camera when they talk which I find weird and there is something wrong with his voice (I told him he needs to check it with the doc). He shoots very nice models though!


Here’s a just-published, in-depth review with many sample images from one of many favorite YouTube reviewers:https://youtu.be/GRl6yUlvCl0


ISQ1993 wrote:Some say the IQ is exceptional and sharp and others say at mid ranges, the IQ is less impressive.Less impressive at “mid ranges,” or at mid-field? There is a difference. I have seen mention of very good centers and edges, but being less good mid-field. Notably, however, one photographer, who shoots landscapes in New Mexico, has indicated that he is not seeing the mid-field weakness that others have reported.I might buy a Nokton f/1.5, or a Nokton f/1.4 II, at the end of this month, so, have been looking at images and opinions posted at the Leica Users Forum and Fred Miranda’s Forum. My goal, however; is not necessarily a lens that is “exceptional and sharp” throughout the image, but a reasonably compact, fast 35mm, for the times I shoot with a camera slung under an outer garment. (I have optically excellent, physically large Zeiss Distagon 35mm f/1.4 ZM, which rules the night, but is not compact.)Looking at Jay OC’s Nokton f/1.4 II MC images, that were shot with my M10, when we met at a coffee shop, I am really liking the Nokton f/1.4 II, with the remaining task of choosing MC or SC. Yet, some part of my brain remains fascinated with the newer Nokton f/1.5; perhaps I will be accumulating multiple Noktons…


JoshuaR wrote:Here’s a just-published, in-depth review with many sample images from one of many favorite YouTube reviewers:https://youtu.be/GRl6yUlvCl0Cheers for posting the link, good review.Anthony


Another excellent you-tube review, part one:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DlpzHtrt8Po
