****PHOTO OF THE WEEK-25 April 2014-1 May 2014****


REMINDER:We have 5 votes each, please vote for your 5 favorite photos.GUIDELINES:VOTING: Please remember to vote.IMPORTANT NOTICE - Please readthe 2 items below and follow the instructions - thanks.OBJECTIVES:The main objective of this event is to get people taking photos on a weekly basis and sharing their single best shot of the week with the rest of us, all in a spirit of light-hearted fun. It’s hoped that participation in this thread will foster community building among the participants, plus motivate us to keep improving our photography skills ranging from creative imagining, to shooting, to processing. The weekly voting is not intended to make this into a highly competitive “contest”, but to provide a sufficient level of motivation to maintain interest over the long term. If you have any questions they were probably addressed in the original discussion thread which you can find at this link:http://www.dpreview.com/forums/thread/3479611* EXPLANATION for eligible dates of photos:Why a 2-week period for photos? I received some emails lately saying that a one week period was not long enough to find a subject and to do a good job on the shooting, processing and selection, they feel too rushed. Since the main objective of this challenge is to get us out taking photos on a regular basis rather than just posting old photos from our archives, there's no real difference between one week old photos and two week old photos, they're all new and fresh. Hopefully, this will give those who felt rushed a little more time to relax, enjoy and participate

J Mountford

Jim Mountford April 15, 2014Iloilo Harbor, Philippines. The white building is the immigration/post offices. The day was extremely menacing, although it didn't rain much that day. This is not an HDR image. Topaz brought out the clouds more but not by much. What little sunlight that was getting through helped the building stand out. The dark clouds that look like it was vignetted was not, that was why the day was so menacing, meaner then all get out black clouds made it a great day to photograph.D7100Nikkor 18-35mmF81/50035mmPost image processing, Adobe Lightroom then over to Topaz for tweeking, then into Photoshop CC for dodging of the white building.

Wu Jiaqiu



Just another day at muscle beach....The bullfrog


...British Columbia, Canada2-shot vertical panorama.

5100 Bill


Something rustled in the seaweed.....Encounter with a wild Shetland otter.... Unbelievable!!!nikon D7000 with 500mm F4 lens


Could this be delicious?Antti





Rudy Pohl

Lens: Nikon 300/4 + 1.4x TC

Amr Nada

Iain G Foulds

... Kamcleod and Anada: Beautiful compositions!- both subjects wonderfully enhanced by their backgrounds and foregrounds

Iain G Foulds

D7100 70-200 2.8 VR


Rocky Mountain National Park


Just using the title to try to elevate this unfortunately named skunk cabbage.Iain--excuse the monochrome (a natural shade). This shot beat out all the multi-colored competition for my fave this week. In a way, you are lucky; I could have shared my black and white version.

Iain G Foulds

... Larry: This one is so crazy.. it works.

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