wrong focus point shown at playback?


I use back back focus button and focus one thing at the edge, recompose and shoot.The subject at the edge is clear and focused but the playback shows focus point is at the center of the picture which is different from the actual focus point taken. This happened even when I locked the focus point withe multi selector.How to find out the actual actual focus point at playback? I remember I could see the "actual "focus point before...what setting was changed in my D500?


ContaxRTSII wrote:I use back back focus button and focus one thing at the edge, recompose and shoot.The subject at the edge is clear and focused but the playbackshows focus pointis at thecenter of the picturewhich is different from the actual focus point taken. This happened even when I locked the focus point withe multi selector.The focus box indicator does not tell your were the camera focused but what focus array was primary at the time of exposure and if the focus indicator was on at the time the shutter release was pressed. . When the camera focused..it used the center array in the case.How to find out the actual actual focus point at playback?I remember I could see the "actual "focus pointbefore...what setting was changed in my D500?You never could. Sometimes the play back indicator matched what part of the scene was focused on by coincidence. It always showed what focus array was used as primary to get focus but not what in the scene was the actual focus point.When using focus and recompose....the playback indicator will never match what was the initial thing in the scene used to lock focus on.


so there is no way of knowing which point was focused on if doing "focus and recompose"?The only way to know it is to physically move the focus point to that spot while taking the picture?


ContaxRTSII wrote:so there is no way of knowing which point was focused on if doing "focus and recompose"?Think of it this way...You focus... then start the recompose process... and it takes you an hour to finally push the shutter release and take a picture.   No way the camera can tell you what your originally focused on.The only way to know it is to physically move the focus point to that spot while taking the picture?Yes....if for some reason you want to document the thing in the scene you originally  focused on before you recomposed the FoV for the shot.  The play back focus box can only tell you what array you used origianlyy...it can't telly you what the array was on before you recomposed.Example...you focus on your foot....then recompose to shoot a picture of the ceiling.  Don't expect the focus box to be on your foot when you review the shot in playback


Haha, interesting comparison, I was stuck with a "same frame situation",make sense! thanks
