D500 Memory Card Lid Rubber Bumper

Harris McMann

Nikon will not send a replacement bumper for my D500 still under warranty.  They want me to send the camera in.  The bumper has never stayed in place. I see some on eBay but am unsure of the correct part.  Let me know if you have resolved this issue.


I think there's on on ebayhttps://www.ebay.com/itm/124314993293no clue if it's Nikon or knock-off.Could just send the camera in.Looks like you might need some screws, too?

Harris McMann

Actually it is just the little rubber piece in the upper center right of the picture rather than the door itself.


Ahh ... that tiny little rectangle? I wonder if you can just put a bit of gaffer tape over it.


Harris McMann wrote:Nikon will not send a replacement bumper for my D500 still under warranty. They want me to send the camera in. The bumper has never stayed in place. I see some on eBay but am unsure of the correct part. Let me know if you have resolved this issue.If they do it for free under warranty, why not send it in? They will probably also do a Clean, Lube and Adjust.JC Some cameras, some lenses, some computers

David Lal

Harris McMann wrote:The bumper has never stayed in place.If the thing has never stayed in place as you say, perhaps there is something else going on that needs more serious attention? In that case, sending the camera in might be a good idea. Otherwise perhaps a skillfully cut piece of 3mm neoprene sheet and a dob of superglue might do wonders?

Harris McMann

Unfortunately I have lost it.


The rubber pad on the back of the old D1 I used to use fell off after a year or two.I tried to glue it back on with epoxy but it the rubber didn't adhere.So I just used it w/o the rubber pad.The plastic hinge on the battery door on my old D200 snapped. If I unlatched the door, the door would just fall off the camera. But it would stay latched if it was closed. So I used it like that for a while, then i bought a new door from ebay and popped it in (pretty easy.) Worked perfectly after that.The AF-Manual switch on my 80-200 f/2.8 ED AF Nikkor cracked 5 years ago. So the switch would flip from AF to Manual randomly whenever it happened to rub against something.I used a bit of scotch tape to hold the switch in the AF or M position (usually AF). I've been doing this ever since. Still have it!Cameras are imperfect machines. Entropy destroys everything eventually XD

Harris McMann

I understand.  However my camera is still.u der warranty.  Nikon could - but won't - send me the piece with double sided tape.  For them to ask me to mail it in us nonsensical.


I mailed my D2h in to Nikon for AF adjustment (was way off when I bought it, refurb) ... came back two weeks later with perfect AF.It is annoying to box up a camera. To label it. To go to the post office and pay $20 to mail it. To wait 1-3 weeks. To pick it up before someone steals it off your doorstep. All annoying. But it is effective!

Harris McMann

I will have to find another way to get the part.

Harris McMann

I need it for a trip in 2 weeks.  I also don't want to mail it in and risk having it lost or damaged.

Harris McMann

I don't think there are any issues with the camera.Just wondering if anyone has been able to get a replacement somewhere


Harris McMann wrote:I need it for a trip in 2 weeks. I also don't want to mail it in and risk having it lost or damaged.I agree with JC as they will clean and check the entire camera over, whether it needs it or not.  Every time I have sent a Nikon in under warranty it always come back looking like new.Can you not send it in after your trip?


Write your name on some of that blue tape and stick it on every metal/plastic (not rubber) body panel. So they know it's yours.
