D500 vs Iphone 12 Max Plus


I hope this will trigger some interest:I am the proud owner of a D500 and 18-200mm, 35mm lenses for few years.I want to return back to using my camera but to be honest - the iPhone does a really good job in every day photography.will users be willing to name specific scenarios in which the D500 Excels? and I am not talking about 1/8000 shutter speed for sport which is obvious or shooting animals in Africa with the 200-300mm lenses that we all like but do rarely.i am asking for those scenarios which all of us can relate to , take their gear for a day, shoot , come back home and compare the result and be proud for carrying the extra 1Kg while the phone remained hidden in the pocket. even family or other everyday usage specific scenarios can be appreciated. (I just learned for example than iphone close Portrait picture with nice bouquet produces amazing results...so even family / portrait example will be welcome)hope to hear back!


ED1001 wrote:i am asking for those scenarios which all of us can relate to ,"Smartphone photo quality isn’t bad, butat higher levels, a DSLR camera can produce better results. The combination of larger resolution, improved camera sensor, and range of quality lenses means that the basic image quality of a DSLR camera is usually better."How was the suspect separation from the background in your phone portrait?Read this:smartphones-vs-camerasIf the camera advantages don't mean much to you in your search...then ditch the camera


I had made a comparison between my iPhone and my new D500 at the time. This might interest you!iPhone 6s (2015) / Nikon D500 (2016) https://www.flickr.com/photos/maoby/albums/72157665535820359Personally, I have no pleasure in using a smartphone.


ED1001 wrote:I hope this will trigger some interest:I am the proud owner of a D500 and 18-200mm, 35mm lenses for few years.I want to return back to using my camera but to be honest - the iPhone does a really good job in every day photography.will users be willing to name specific scenarios in which the D500 Excels? and I am not talking about 1/8000 shutter speed for sport which is obvious or shooting animals in Africa with the 200-300mm lenses that we all like but do rarely.i am asking for those scenarios which all of us can relate to , take their gear for a day, shoot , come back home and compare the result and be proud for carrying the extra 1Kg while the phone remained hidden in the pocket. even family or other everyday usage specific scenarios can be appreciated. (I just learned for example than iphone close Portrait picture with nice bouquet produces amazing results...so even family / portrait example will be welcome)hope to hear back!I don't know. I have a smartPHONE which I use for talking, or to document a piece of hardware when I go to the hardware shop. Also to take a snapshot before dissassembling some machinery. But I would not even think of taking a smartphone to the studio.Have you tried printing that iPhone portrait in 16x20?JC Some cameras, some lenses, some computers


Very interesting article, I highly recommend it. 👍🏻


Interesting post #1!I regularly shoot with both a D500 and an iPhone 11, which has a similar camera array to the iPhone 12 Plus Max. I notice these things that I frequently find the iPhone 11 lacks.iPhones are great picture takers in their own ways, but not completely perfect. Cameras like the D500 still have their uses for photography. I use and like both for what they can produce.


ED1001 wrote:I hope this will trigger some interest:I am the proud owner of a D500 and 18-200mm, 35mm lenses for few years.I want to return back to using my camera but to be honest - the iPhone does a really good job in every day photography.will users be willing to name specific scenarios in which the D500 Excels? and I am not talking about 1/8000 shutter speed for sport which is obvious or shooting animals in Africa with the 200-300mm lenses that we all like but do rarely.i am asking for those scenarios which all of us can relate to , take their gear for a day, shoot , come back home and compare the result and be proud for carrying the extra 1Kg while the phone remained hidden in the pocket. even family or other everyday usage specific scenarios can be appreciated. (I just learned for example than iphone close Portrait picture with nice bouquet produces amazing results...so even family / portrait example will be welcome)hope to hear back!I bought a used D500 to pair with my 200-500/5.6 for wildlife. Never used it for anything else.I have a Z7 ii dedicated for landscape with 24-120/4.0 SI use my iPhone 13 Pro Max for everyday shooting when not using my z7 ii. For what I use the iPhone photos, sharing on social media, they're great' I can instantly share a photo within seconds of taking  a photo. And TBH, the iPhone shots are a lot better than I expected as long as it's viewed on a smartphone screen. I just used JPEG when using my iPhone.


ED1001 wrote:I hope this will trigger some interest:I am the proud owner of a D500 and 18-200mm, 35mm lenses for few years.I want to return back to using my camera but to be honest - the iPhone does a really good job in every day photography.will users be willing to name specific scenarios in which the D500 Excels? and I am not talking about 1/8000 shutter speed for sport which is obvious or shooting animals in Africa with the 200-300mm lenses that we all like but do rarelyComplex depth of field situations. Imagine a row of people sitting at a table and you focus on the third person down and with lots of stuff on the table. The iPhone will look like garbage. For that matter, even in simple situations the fake bokeh looks a little odd to me.Another situation is portraits. The iphone only has a moderate telephoto lens which can't replicate the effects of using a longer lens in the 105-200mm range for portraits.Then there's flash. That's a pretty common scenario (at least for me) and the D500 can use flash.But why do you even want to continue using your camera if it's not for a specific situation? The iPhone seems enough for you so it doesn't seem logical to even go back to using your D500. Some people care about the best image quality and you don't seem to be one of them.


Well, to me, it's not about whether a camera or phone can take "better" photo.  For me, it's much more about ergo, view-finder, and user-interface.  When out taking a few hundred photos throughout a few hours outside under bright sun light, while switching between different shooting mode, and/or have to have a reasonable grip on the photo acquiring equipment, a proper dedicated camera will always be a better choice.So, if I am out on a Zodiac boat chasing hundreds of stamping dolphins, out on the beach taking photos of my friends in surfing competitions throughout the afternoon, or on airstrip on all day air-show... I'll take my D500 over a phone every time.

Bill Ferris

ED1001 wrote:I hope this will trigger some interest:I am the proud owner of a D500 and 18-200mm, 35mm lenses for few years.I want to return back to using my camera but to be honest - the iPhone does a really good job in every day photography.will users be willing to name specific scenarios in which the D500 Excels? and I am not talking about 1/8000 shutter speed for sport which is obvious or shooting animals in Africa with the 200-300mm lenses that we all like but do rarely.i am asking for those scenarios which all of us can relate to , take their gear for a day, shoot , come back home and compare the result and be proud for carrying the extra 1Kg while the phone remained hidden in the pocket. even family or other everyday usage specific scenarios can be appreciated. (I just learned for example than iphone close Portrait picture with nice bouquet produces amazing results...so even family / portrait example will be welcome)The D500 is one of the best fast-action cameras ever built. For many who buy it,  a "normal" day out does include sports, wildlife, or bird photography. Setting that aside, it doesn't matter what photography you do, any comparison of a photo made with a dedicated interchangeable lens digital camera and a photo made of the same subject with a smartphone camera will reveal differences in every aspect of image quality that are obvious and undeniable. Light is information. The more of it is used to make a photo, the better the quality of that image will be. Game, set & match, dedicated ILC.The choice of a camera to use for photography is a personal one. The best camera for you is the one that best fits your interests and needs. If the autofocus, burst rate, buffer, user interface, and build quality of the D500 are not of value to you...if the image quality that comes with using more light to make images isn't of value...if the convenience of a smartphone is of value...if the user-friendly interface of the smartphone camera and image processing apps is of importance...then by all means do photography with that platform. Use the kit that meets your needs.


ED1001 wrote:I hope this will trigger some interest:I am the proud owner of a D500 and 18-200mm, 35mm lenses for few years.I want to return back to using my camera but to be honest - the iPhone does a really good job in every day photography.will users be willing to name specific scenarios in which the D500 Excels? and I am not talking about 1/8000 shutter speed for sport which is obvious or shooting animals in Africa with the 200-300mm lenses that we all like but do rarely.i am asking for those scenarios which all of us can relate to , take their gear for a day, shoot , come back home and compare the result and be proud for carrying the extra 1Kg while the phone remained hidden in the pocket. even family or other everyday usage specific scenarios can be appreciated. (I just learned for example than iphone close Portrait picture with nice bouquet produces amazing results...so even family / portrait example will be welcome)hope to hear back!I look forward to seeing some of your wildlife photos.
