- Nikon D300 Wildlife -

Jon in Thailand

.Sense they first came out the D300 has beenused in the jungle most everyday. The jungleis where I also live too. Over the years I'veacquired a total of 3 D300 cameras. Forthe most part a Nikkor 17-55 2.8 does90% of the work. Followed by thepopular Nikkor 70-200 2.8 lens..There's 3000+ wild primates out hereand they will attack for any reason.I carry my rabies card at all times.And yes I also carry scars fromseveral monkey attacks !...................................F5.6, 40mm, 1/50sec, iso 500.All of my photos are handheld..- Jungle - Swamp - Primate -...


Thanks for sharing

Jon in Thailand

Lalunia wrote:Thanks for sharingAnd thank you for your comment
