AF-mode selection button not working on Nikon D500


Hello,I am referring to the button on the side of the camera where you switch between AF and M. Normally when pushing the button, you can switch between auto-focus modes while rotating the back wheel. When I press it now, there is no response. It this known to be an issue?Thanks for your help, it is appreciated.

Doug Haag

estemar20 wrote:Hello,I am referring to the button on the side of the camera where you switch between AF and M. Normally when pushing the button, you can switch between auto-focus modes while rotating the back wheel. When I press it now, there is no response. It this known to be an issue?Thanks for your help, it is appreciated.With the F4 custom setting you can change to operation of the main and sub-command dials.  What happens if you rotate the sub-command dial on the front of the camera?


Doug Haag wrote:With the F4 custom setting you can change to operation of the main and sub-command dials. What happens if you rotate the sub-command dial on the front of the camera?Doug, you would still see a response even if front- and back-wheel traded places. One changes Focus Mode and the other Focus Area Mode.I cannot think of a reason why the AF button would not respond.  As always in life, the first thing I would try if nothing else seems to work is a factory reset. If the problem still exists, this may be a service issue.

Doug Haag

lokatz wrote:Doug Haag wrote:With the F4 custom setting you can change to operation of the main and sub-command dials. What happens if you rotate the sub-command dial on the front of the camera?Doug, you would still see a response even if front- and back-wheel traded places. One changes Focus Mode and the other Focus Area Mode.You are of course correct, lokatz,  I was wondering if both dials were unresponsive to a press of the mode button or just the main command dial.  If both were unresponsive it would seem to point to the mode button itself.I have my camera set up so that you don't need to maintain pressure on any of the buttons for them to allow the control dials to adjust the relevant feature.  (F6 setting)  I assume that in factory default mode you have to maintain pressure on the button while rotating the control dial.I cannot think of a reason why the AF button would not respond. As always in life, the first thing I would try if nothing else seems to work is a factory reset. If the problem still exists, this may be a service issue.

Alexander Meredith

Check Custom setting A10 is set to "no restrictions".....


There's a dial on the back of the camera where the L is located.. have you rotated it inadvertently?


Mick353 wrote:There's a dial on the back of the camera where the L is located.. have you rotated it inadvertently?I can't see how that would have any influence over this particular issue.

Doug Haag

briantilley wrote:Mick353 wrote:There's a dial on the back of the camera where the L is located.. have you rotated it inadvertently?I can't see how that would have any influence over this particular issue.I don't either.  It would affect whether you can move the focus point with the mulit-selector.  But should no affect which AF mode you are in.But in any event, the original poster has not returned to the thread since the original post two days ago.  Note also this is OP's first ever post.  We may never know whether or not it really was a problem or if one of our suggestions turned out to be the solution.


Alexander Meredith wrote:Check Custom setting A10 is set to "no restrictions".....Good call! That's got to be it.Now if the OP will respond? ....


arniebook wrote:Alexander Meredith wrote:Check Custom setting A10 is set to "no restrictions".....Good call! That's got to be it.Now if the OP will respond? ....OP stated that when he/she pressed the button, there is no response. I take it that there is nothing shows up on the top LCD. Even if you set A10 to any mode other than "No restrictions" that AF mode and area modes supposed to show up.


Sagittarius wrote:arniebook wrote:Alexander Meredith wrote:Check Custom setting A10 is set to "no restrictions".....Good call! That's got to be it.Now if the OP will respond? ....OP stated that when he/she pressed the button, there is no response. I take it that there is nothing shows up on the top LCD. Even if you set A10 to any mode other than "No restrictions" that AF mode and area modes supposed to show up.Yes, the current settings show, but there is "no response" (nothing changes) when the wheel is turned.Since OP has "no response" on his/her thread there is no need for further discussion on my part.Cheers,Arnie


I had this problem today.  A9 was limited to single point AF.  Check all the options and it solved the problem.


I had this issue today. A9 was set only for single point. Check all of the options and hit OK … this solves the issue. A few years late but if anyone else experiences this issue hopefully this is their easy fix.


Hello,Same thing happened to me! After 20 mins of head scratching I finally found out the answer. My lens was on M (Manual) and camera Autofocus Mode Selecter button was on AF. After switching on lens to AF also, issue sorted and Autofocus Area Mode correctly indicated on LCD screen and viewfinder. In short both lens and camera should be on AF.
