A detailed article on reading MTF charts

David G72

Good morning everyone!Just wanted to share a great article on reading MTF charts by Nasim Mansurov: http://photographylife.com/how-to-read-mtf-chartsI believe it is the most detailed article on the Internet, explaining things in simple and easy to understand language to those that have a hard time with MTF charts (like me).

Michael Benveniste

David G72 wrote:I believe it is the most detailed article on the Internet, explaining things in simple and easy to understand language to those that have a hard time with MTF charts (like me).My nominees for the most detailed articles on MTF are "How to Read MTF curves, Parts I and II" by H.H. Nasse of Zeiss.  These 64 pages are not a simple and easy read, though.  Links on the Zeiss website tend to change over time -- these may not be correct by the time you read this: http://www.zeiss.de/C12567A8003B8B6F/EmbedTitelIntern/CLN_30_MTF_en/$File/CLN_MTF_Kurven_EN.pdfhttp://www.zeiss.de/C12567A8003B8B6F/EmbedTitelIntern/CLN_31_MTF_en/$File/CLN_MTF_Kurven_2_en.pdf

Leonard Shepherd

Nikon provide a short explanation of Nikon MTF as part of each lens specification e.g.http://imaging.nikon.com/lineup/lens/singlefocal/wide/af-s_24mmf_14g/index.htmBasically if a lens has a blue line which is high on the right side of the chart it is likely to have good contrast into the corners, if the blue line is half way up on the right conner contrast is just about OK, and below half way corner contrast is less than OK.The red line works similar for resolution.As the link explains Nikon do not provide f8 MTF, and there are other considerations to contrast and resolution when deciding a lens purchase.Nikon used to say there MTF was measured at infinity focus equivalent. Imatest is measured at roughly head and shoulders image size.


Roger Cicala over at Lens Rentals put together a good andshort primeron MTF and acuity a few years back. It is a very approachable article that explains the difference between resolution and acuitance and how MTF works.+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ Aaron Killen
