Pinhole lens anyone?

Ernie Misner

I see B&H is advertising a "pinhole lens" which is actually just a body cap with an appropriate size pinhole in it I guess.   I have to admit this sounds like fun!   Has anyone experimented with one yet?Thanks!

Sante Patate


I have an Olympus 15mm f8 "body cap" lens for micro  4/3.  For the price, about $45, it's been fun to use once in a while.    Parenthetically, some m4/3 forum folks use this lens for bright daylight street shooting on Olympus EP/L/M-x bodies.  The center is surprisingly good although the edges, of course, are pretty bad.  But if you are just shooting people, you don't notice that - and they don't notice the lens!I also have a Quaker Oats cylindrical  box, in which I mounted tinfoil, pierced a pinhole, surrounded it by black construction paper, and have used small size sheet film to take some very hazy romantic shots over the years.   I recommend a 1978 book by one Alfred Blaker, "Field Photography," for some very interesting unpretentious ideas about taking pictures.  Because it is the film, non-AF era, lots of his suggestions are obsolete.  But there are still many which would apply even in this electronic age.


PSCL1 wrote:+1 on this. It's a GREAT book and many of his techniques and ideas still apply. A great section on macro shooting, reversed lenses, coupled lenses, using tubes + TC etc.

Robin Casady
