Thoughts on new 80-400 vs great super teles (even Canon side)?


Thanks for your input and also humoring my arbitrary scale :-). Some comments in-line:Guidenet wrote:3) Nikon 300 f/2.8 VR (say II) + TC 1.4 (because its 420mm equivalent which is nearly same view as 400mm and one of the "lighter" exotic options)My 300 f/2.8 VR without a TC has to be the prettiest output of most lenses I own. I'd rank it a 10 on your scale. With a 1.4 converter, a 9 and with a 1.7 converter an 8.That's a great endorsement for the 300mm f/2.8 VR + teleconverter options - not surprising I guess.5) Canon 400mm f/5.6LI've used this lens some and would consider it about what the new 80-400 AFS is, a 7.That's a great endorsement for the new 80-400 VR - flexibility + VR + no much more weight + same filter size - and still a great quality compared to a highly rated prime.One lens you've not mentioned is the Canon 100-400 USM IS which is in direct competition with Nikon's offering. I have used it a good bit and I think it was superior to the old Nikon 80-400, but the new model Nikon goes at least one giant step past this lens. I'd rate it a 6 or less.Kind of my expectation - so I did not add it.It's kind of hard for me because you placed the new lens at a 7. I keep wanting to bump it up to an 8. LOLThe 7 was more to give room for the top guns to show their differentiation


Yes the Canon 100-400 L IS (if you get a sharp version) is a great lens for the money.


thomas2279f wrote:Yes the Canon 100-400 L IS (if you get a sharp version) is a great lens for the money.My brother has one and I've used it a good bit over the years. I agree with you. I just don't think it's as good as Canon's 400 f/5.6 for the money. Zooms can be versitile, but when you get into birding, you're usually at the long end so a prime doesn't give up much, at least the way I look at it. I'm sure others feel differently.


Thanks for the useful input! Especially since its backed by a test with a few of the most interesting heavyweights (500mm f/4, 200-400 f/4 and 300 f/2.8 with TC). If you have time - it will be also be very useful to see your test images.

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