Bluejay, Z50/50-250

Paul Pasco

I was out doing yard work today and I decided to get a cold glass of water and when I came around to the front of the house there was a Bluejay sitting on the front walk. I got close enough to get a few photos with my phone and then it peeped at me and flew over to elderberry bush. I went in and grabbed the Z50, went back out and slowly approached him. He was aware of me right away but didn't seem too alarmed. He was roughly eye level to me and eventually I got within about 8 feet and was able to circle around and get a few different views. All said I got 36 useable shots and was happy how the lens performed. It was overcast and a little breezy so I set ISO to 1600 so I could get a good shutter speed. I only shoot jpeg and all In did for PP was a little levels and unsharp mask. Here's a few of this beautiful bird.


Great photos, I love it!

Paul Pasco

Thank you! Stay safe.


I particularly like that second photo. :

Parry Johnson

Nice find, Paul.  Great photos!


Very nice shots. Well done!

Paul Pasco


Paul Pasco

Parry Johnson wrote:Nice find, Paul. Great photos!Thanks, It kind of found me but I’ll take it!

Paul Pasco

Thank you!


Really beautiful shots!

Paul Pasco

Thank you, the credit goes to the Jay for just showing up.

Paul Pasco

baystater wrote:I particularly like that second photo. :That’s probably my favorite of the whole set; no urban clutter in the background!


What a nice bird! Great captures

Paul Pasco

Ilume wrote:What a nice bird! Great capturesThank you!
