K-5 and the F 70-210 at the model airfield

Lars Holte

In October 2010 I posted a photo taken with the F 70-210 F4.0-5.6 and a link to my Picasa-album with more images taken with the same lens on the istDS.I still have this lens and use it occasionally. Here are some images from the same model airfield taken with the same lens, but now on the K-5. I still think this is a pretty decent lens and guite sharp.Here are some samples: 12345Plus two taken with the DA 50-135: 67The large RC-model is a 37% scale Yak 55 with a 5-cylindre 215cc Moki radial up front and a custom paint job based on the mythical bird Phoenix. Not mine.My current favourite model is more modest, the not quite 20% scale yellow and silver Miles Sparrowhawk shown on pic no. 5 with af 15cc four-stroke up front.More on Picasa:https://picasaweb.google.com/112629865469899487921/AndreasKrill37Yak55#5783319459873404450

Lars Holte

Link to the old post:http://forums.dpreview.com/forums/read.asp?forum=1036&message=36789243 -- Lars H


Hi Lars,Excellent images. I also own this lens and find it to be a winner on the *istDS, albeit slow at times due to focus-hunting.How would you compare its performance , now that you've used it on the K-5?

Lars Holte

Chynwrote:Hi Lars,Excellent images. I also own this lens and find it to be a winner on the *istDS, albeit slow at times due to focus-hunting.Thanks. I don't find its AF slow at all. It focuses very fast (much faster than my 50-135 SDM lens), and on the K-5 it does not hunt much. I used the Auto AF option with just the 5 central focus points, which is very useful when tracking a (small) modell across the sky.How would you compare its performance , now that you've used it on the K-5?I think it still performs very well - fast AF, quite sharp (thanks to ED elements) and very compact for its focal range. It would have been nice if it was faster at the tele end. F5.6 is a bit slow, but on the K-5 image quality does not suffer much if the iso is raised a notch or two.


Nice shooting and thats a good lens for it. -- Mike from Canada"I am not a great photographer! God is a great creator! All I do is capture His creation with the tools He has provided me."'I like to think so far outside the box that it would require a telephoto lens just to see the box!' ~ 'My Quote :)'http://www.airliners.net/search/photo.search?sort_order=views%20DESC&first_this_page=0&page_limit=180&&emailsearch=mighty_mike88%40hotmail.com&thumbnails=


Hi Lars,Nice shots, certainly sharp,nice Yak and very nice motor,the sound of that motor must be unbelievable with five cylinders and four stroke. I'm not very good on percentage scale,what's that in wingspan and weight. I have a smaller Yak with a two stroke petrol motor 23cc. The wingspan is 1.85mts,but the motor is underpowered. I digress -- Dave's clichés

Lars Holte

Thanks, David. Yes, it's a very nice little lens and often a good buy on the used market.

Lars Holte

Thanks, Mike.273 cm (107,5 inches) length and 294 cm (115,74 inches) wingspan. Weight around 16 kg (35 lbs). Awesome sound.


Hi Lars!Lars Holtewrote:Thanks. I don't find its AF slow at all. It focuses very fast (much faster than my 50-135 SDM lens), and on the K-5 it does not hunt much. I used the Auto AF option with just the 5 central focus points, which is very useful when tracking a (small) modell across the sky.Ah, I think the modern autofocusing system (relative to the *ist era) will likely improve the functionality of the older lens.I think it still performs very well - fast AF, quite sharp (thanks to ED elements) and very compact for its focal range. It would have been nice if it was faster at the tele end. F5.6 is a bit slow, but on the K-5 image quality does not suffer much if the iso is raised a notch or two.Wonderful information, it looks like the K-5 will work wonderfully. Thank you for sharing this key bit of info!


Hi Lars,Great shots, these are my other passion.Is that the Krill Yak?My son has one with the "G-Man" Gernot Bruckmann scheme with a 200cc DA 4 Cylinder engine in it for Unlimited IMAC competition but it will be relegated to a 3D model as soon as he has his 3.1 Meter Krill Extra 330SC goingRegardsMike -- http://www.diesneetblog.com/public.html


Dang, Lars, that plane in the last picture, you could strap a small dog in the cockpit of that and it for a ride. I wonder if anyone's tried that? I have a little chihuahuah/terrier mix I dearly love who's quite rambunctious, but I'm guessing he'd FREAK OUT just being strapped into such a contraption and the cockpit closed, much less flying around in it. Jeff -- A word is worth 1/1000th of a picture... Maybe that's why I use so many words!

Lars Holte

MikeChipwrote:Hi Lars,Great shots, these are my other passion.Is that the Krill Yak?Thanks, Mike. Yes, it's the new Krill Yak 55 with a custom Luxury Line paint job. The Moke radial sounds fantastic and has ample power for prop hanging and long verticals.I haven't advanced to this level myself, but still find RC modelling a great pasttime.

Lars Holte

Recent developments in radio equipment and building techniques make this kind of modelling feasible, but not cheap. Models like this one are a great sight in the air. I have my own models, but set my sights a bit lower.


Hi LarsHere is my take on the Krill Yak 55M, it is the 37% one of my son's and taken with a K-20 and Sigma 10-20mm lens at 20mm, 1/50 Second at F8DA200 4 Cyilnder 200cc Two Stroke engine and JR Radio. Taken at the Victroian State Championships where it took 1st place in Unlimited IMACHope you like itMike -- http://www.diesneetblog.com/public.html

Lars Holte

MikeChipwrote:Hi LarsHere is my take on the Krill Yak 55M, it is the 37% one of my son's and taken with a K-20 and Sigma 10-20mm lens at 20mm, 1/50 Second at F8DA200 4 Cyilnder 200cc Two Stroke engine and JR Radio. Taken at the Victroian State Championships where it took 1st place in Unlimited IMACWell done!Hope you like itOh yes, I like it. Very nice high visibility paint scheme. -- Lars H
