Hawk BIF's


Hey everyone, i just purchased the DA* 60-250 f4 after using a Sigma 70-300 (eewww) for so long and what a difference, here are a few shot i got yesterday of these hawk/kite birds that live in my area (they are cropped about %50), Cheers, Nic


Congratulations on a new lens.It is a great instrument. However, I rarely use mine for birding. From my experience it's more useful for bigger and slower animals and birds, e.g. great egrets, etc. and some street photography. Your subject is too far. And for such distance you'll need something around 400mm. If you like birding, consider DA*, F*, FA*300 at least; preferably with decent 1.4x TC.


Thanks mate, i totally agree with you, i didnt buy it FOR birding, its just that in my small town there isnt that much more haha, i did actually buy the sigma 70-200 f2.8 before the 60-250 but its HSM motor died within half an hour of using, so i took it back and got the Pentax haha, but i do love this lens for street shooting, it was great -- To take better photos, stand in front of better things!


Nice shots -- Mike from Canada"I am not a great photographer! God is a great creator! All I do is capture His creation with the tools He has provided me."'I like to think so far outside the box that it would require a telephoto lens just to see the box!' ~ 'My Quote :)'http://www.airliners.net/search/photo.search?sort_order=views%20DESC&first_this_page=0&page_limit=180&&emailsearch=mighty_mike88%40hotmail.com&thumbnails=


I mostly use it for candid street photography too. It is really good lens. You would not regret it.


All nice images--well done! I think the last one is especially intriguing. The photo conveys the focus, strength and power of that hawk very well. It looks like maybe it was coming to tell you you didn't have a model release and it didn't like having its picture taken.Thanks for posting. -- http://www.flickr.com/photos/52664228@N04/
