DA15 vs DA 21 for trip

Sandra Andersen

I'll be taking to trip to Asia soon and am unsure about which one of thees two leneses I should bring along: the DA15 or the DA21. They are both small enough for use on my K-5 but as I do not want to be switching lenses outdoors, I would like to bring just one of them. Any advice from those who have had experience in using both these lenses esp on trips would be most appreciated. Thanks in advance.


I've no experience with DA21, but I think it will be more suitable, for DA15 could be a bit too wide as a geneal use lens. Welcome to China and have a nice trip! -- Best regards, Yang


I have no experience with the 15, but I can confirm that the 21 is a very useful focal length for both architecture/scenery and people shots. Aside from a 35 on Aps-c. I'd say it is the most useful focal length.


I agree with the above two. The DA21 has quickly become my favourite lens and is ideal for general-purpose walkaround use. I have just returned from a trip to Italy where I too 21 + 35 + 55-300 and used the 21 about 75% of the time. There were a few times when I would have liked to go wider (e.g. in a cathedral) but having the 15 instead of the 21 would have been too wide for most of my shooting.To have both both would have been nice... I barely used the 35, and 15 + 21 + 55-300 would have been perfect. But to take only one of the two wide ones, I'd find the 21 more useful.Can't you take both? The 21 is so small...Best wishes -- Mike http://www.pentaxphotogallery.com/artists/mikeward


If you must take only one then it has to be the 21mm which is a good all rounder, but why not take both?


Definitely the 21mm - but I hope that's not the only lens you're going to have. People shots are the fun thing about Asia and a DA35 or DA40 or something even a bit longer would come in very handy. -- tim http://www.pbase.com/timotheus


i would also vote for the 21, whether you should go with the 15 as your lens depends, in part, how you use it.some people use the 15 only because it has a wider angle of view. some use it for arty stuff with some element in the near foreground and a good bit of background, too. people doing whatever with a background that shows their environment or work area. stuff like that. the 21 would show some, the 15 more.i don't do many of the near element with open background pictures. classic flowers with waterfall or mountains in background, etc.if you want the 15 because it offers a wider angle of view, you could turn the 21mm in portrait orientation and stitch images to get pretty much the same angle of view as a 15mm in landscape orientation. depends on proficiency in stitching and the subject. sometimes things are just too busy with people or other moving elements for this to be practical.you don't want to change lenses outside. would you consider carrying the extra several ounces and small bulk of the 15mm (or whichever of the two you plan to leave behind) just in case you find something that would make you wish you had it and that would make you change lenses sparingly?


I have both lenses and I would definitely agree that the 21mm will be more appropriate for most situations while traveling. Yet, the 15mm is the go-to lens for tight situations and when you need more coverage than the 21 can provide.As an example, while in Florence recently, I was approaching the Duomo with my 21mm and took this shot:When I rounded the corner of the Baptistery and faced the Duomo, I found I needed the 15mm to encompass the entire front facade and tower:The perspective distortion on the 15mm can be quite severe at times, so it is trickier to use effectively and has a learning curve to getting the best from it.


Everyone will have their own opinion. Personally I found that if traveling and disinclined to change lenses a general purpose zoom such as the 18-135 is ideal specially if you slip a DA15Ltd in your pocket for the odd occasion when a wider aspect is necessary or if you need a lens that is highly flare resistant.If taking only one prime the DA21 is more versatile than the 15 but you still might want something longer at times.

Joseph Tainter

I take the DA Limiteds when I travel overseas, and by far the majority of my shots are with the DA 21. It is my standard travel lens.That said, take both and slip the other one in your purse.Joe

Col K10d

I think it all depends on how you see a scene and which lens you feel most at home with.Mind you with a 16MP sensor, if you're not printing beyond A3 you could probably crop any 15mm shot to a 21mm FOV! The main problem I see with the 15 is that it seems very attracted to point at the sun. But IMHO it does cope better with harsh sun than the 21. --


Col K10dwrote:I think it all depends on how you see a scene and which lens you feel most at home with.Mind you with a 16MP sensor, if you're not printing beyond A3 you could probably crop any 15mm shot to a 21mm FOV!By the same token you can turn the 21 vertically and stitch 2-3 shots to get your widest needs covered. It's a win-win and only you know which emergency will come up more often, or which you would prefer.Both are excellent lenses, and neither are in my bag; the Sigma 15 fisheye plus the 18-135WR will have to suffice for me

Roland Karlsson

lectrolinkwrote:When I rounded the corner of the Baptistery and faced the Duomo, I found I needed the 15mm to encompass the entire front facade and tower:If I only had the 21 mm, or my 18-55 mm, then I would have stitched to get the entire building. It would be very easy as there are no moving things in the middle of the image.


If you are taking only one lens, then the 21mm would be my choice. But if you are taking other lenses, such as a mid-range zoom, then the 15mm might be more useful.Rob

Sandra Andersen

Thank you all for your input, tips, advice and suggestions. I really appreciate that. It is obvious from the responses that the DA21mm is the favored walkabout and travel lens as against the 15mm.And for those occasions that require a wider view, the way top do it is by taking a few shots and stitching them together. Good advice.The other issue that I am confronted with is having to choose between the 43mm and the 77mm and I'll be seeking your input on another thread for that.Thanks in advance for that.


I too love the DA 21 FOV. Great choice.I don't have the FA 43 but I have the DA 40 and I find it pretty much useless. It's not that it doesn't produce terrific IQ but it's not a useful FOV for me.I've used my DA 70 on occasion but for most 2 week trips, I'd take the K-5 with the DA 21 mounted and two spare batteries. I'd return with the two spare batteries fully charged and the battery in the camera half gone. ... and I'd have a card full of great shots because the DA 21 is such a treat for my style of shooting.
