Moon with Da*300 & K5 - 1/200s, F5,6, ISO400, tripod

J Posthuma

Well seeing very good Moon pictures here lately,I thought sharing this one could be nice too.Surely not the best picture of the moon here :-), but one of my first with this combo.Discovered a very nice K5 feature in Life View. Normally hitting the "info" button cranks up the enlargement to 6x but setting the camera to manual focus one reaches an enlargement of 10 times which is very nice for this kind of photography.Air was quite turbulent and the Moon fairly low so I should be able to do better.

Joseph Tainter

That's well done, and surprisingly sharp for a 300 mm lens.Joe

J Posthuma

Thanks Joe,I do love the DA* 300MM and on the Moon it behaves like a small telescope. Probably I will try it on the Sun and Jupiter as well. -- Kind Regards / Met vriendelijke groet,Jetze
