Birds at the LaSalle Marina, Burlington Bay, ON

Joachim Wulfers

Not too cold, but very windy at this bay across from Hamilton, ON. Believe it or not but there was even one courageous individual practicing "winter sports" on a fancy wind surfer board, with high waves strong winds and +8 C air temperature.LaSalle Marina is a refuge for a number of birds such as a variety of diving and not diving ducks, various swans, mostly tagged (for observation) Trumpeter swans.The new Canadian winter sportQuite a few Buffleheads. Here a male.Female BuffleheadCommotion among the Trumpeter swansI could not identify this rusty coloured duckDittoAmerican Black duck. Male2 females and one male BuffleheadTrumpeter swan


Great selection of ducks in that spot.  I love ducks, so any opportunity to find a wintering spot where they hang out, I'd visit for sure.  Very nice set!They really are keeping up on the tagging there too...those swans all seem to be tagged - I occasionally see a tagged bird or two, but here, we might see 1 tag for every 100 non-tagged birds.  I don't know if Florida has any active tagging - we might just be the recipients of winter resident birds tagged elsewhere.That mystery duck is interesting - you might have a hybrid of some kind.  Sort of has the coloration of a cinnamon teal, but looks bigger and fatter than I'd expect for one and that dark patch around the eye that almost reminds me of green-winged teals...maybe some kind of mix of the two?  I've encountered a blue-winged/green-winged hybrid once, so they can interbreed:

Joachim Wulfers

Thank you for your comments Justin. The Trumpeter swans are still being tagged and monitored that way. Not too long ago those swans were almost extinct in Ontario and brought back by a dedicated group of volunteers. The purpose of monitoring is to track where they nest. However they also needed proof that the Trumpeter swans had chosen the LaSalle marina spot as an over-wintering nature sanctuary. This to stop a large wave breaker construction by the steel plant across the bay. The plant claimed they need the structure to "park" the freighters with iron ore and other raw materials. Modeling proofed that such a breaker wall would hinder the flow of fresh water in the bay. Anyway, the project got cancelled.The mystery duck remains a mystery. It could also be some hybrid with an American Black duck and a Mallard. Who knows?
