This will be my last post. 😭😭


Well, I finally got my rig all set up and now I find out that Dpreview is closing down. I am devastated. I leave you all with this final video I got today with my FE-200-600mm


Nice video. I've that lens too and have never considered trying to film with it. On a tripod like that aimed at a perched bird seems pretty neat. Cinclus cinclus diving from a rock in a stream too. Hmm, requires time to understand video basics, I think there are dpreview resources..


Video is not hard depending on what you want to use it for. My A6500 produces great video for my use.  Like with photos, you can perfect the shot in PP.  I have to do this a lot because I shoot true wildlife (not in a zoo or preserve) in nature and that is chaos, so I cannot always get the perfect setting.  I use a program called DaVinci Resolve. It is completely free and offers really advanced color grading option to fix problems with lighting.  I shot everything in 4K and render down to HD. Shooting in 4K gives me a lot of flexibility in PP, and produces a higher quality HD video than if the video was shot natively in HD.


Thank you - wonderful bird you captured there!To me the biggest loss is going to be the loss of this community. DPreview has been with ever since I did digital photography way back, when I got my Sony Cybershot F707. Most of the time as a silent observer, sometimes contributing to the forums.Hasn't quite sunk in that all this knowledge base, all this expertise, all these great people will be scattered.


Loved the video but the title of your post made me sad! Thanks for the video….
