M10 Vs M10r in 2022
78_Anthony wrote:After much deliberation I made my decision and sold my gfx system, and went one step further and also sold my Fuji xpro3 and lenses. I found a mint M10 and picked up a new Zeiss 50mm f2 and still have some change left over.There are moments when I miss the flip down screen of the Fuji's for awkward angles so may take a look at the visoflex 020 and newever version 2 in time.However I am extremely happy with the move, thanks again for everyone's input.AnthonyCongratulations!After much deliberation, I also went with the M10. The R is newer, but the price difference is still really significant, especially given how "cheap" M10s have become. In my case, the jump from an M10 to an M10-R would have increased the cost of the camera by something like forty percent!