Leica Monthly Photo Thread for March 2023

Thomas Berwing


On most of my recent travels I had aimed for a 1:1 aspect ration. But since Covid destroyed a few years of shooting overseas - where I would typically shoot in 1:1 for photo-books - I felt like I need a little re-calibration before I go. Next week ...Really across the roadWill need some work me thinks.Deed


A snowy and icy mountain bike ride in the Lake District at dawn this morning.  Some sheets of ice made for exciting descents and it was cold enough to freeze my rear derailleur, part of the cassette and the adjusters on my boots.  Nice to get this reflections though.  I used a polariser to make the cloud reflections stand out more clearly from the lake water.




The first picture was taken and I changed lenses and the red in the sky was gone.CL 11-23, Zeiss 35mm f2.811-23 at 18mm35 f2.8

Jay OC

This is our local bagel shop. They partner with another deli in town (Kenny & Ziggy's). Bagel Express supplies the bagels to K&Z's. K&Z supplies them with house made corned beef, pastrami and cheese cake. Such a collaboration! Both are great places to eat.These were taken early morning just as they were opening. I was the second customer in.Still working on getting the focus with the range finder.



Jay, a tough place to focus in, too complicated. Simplify to start off. But if that area you could say "Yes I focused on that bagel".

Jay OC

Tomm111 wrote:Jay, a tough place to focus in, too complicated. Simplify to start off. But if that area you could say "Yes I focused on that bagel".Of course I focused on the bagel and the pastrami and the cheese cake. Why else would I be there?

Jay OC

I really love the colors and the sky. Well done.

Jay OC

One of my favorite courthouses


Jay OC

Finished work and went for a coffee at the local coffee roaster. Bagels & a Kenyan pour over in the morning. A flat white and more beans for home brewing in the afternoon. Not a bad way to start and finish the work day. I will probably go to the local RC church for the Knights of Columbus fish fry tonight.M10-R w/ Voigtlander Nokton 35 MC @f4M10-R w/ Leica-M 24 Elmarit


Jay OC wrote:One of my favorite courthousesMine too.


10R with 28 summicron


SL2-S -|- Sigma 60-600


Chicago Botanic Garden Orchid Show



Wow....beautiful picture, but was it worth risking a crash - how do you carry your Q2 on MTB?


Yesterday I went for a walk with just this 180mm lens with me. I made a variety of images, some animals, some artwork, and some city-details.This is the series with the city-details. All shots at f/11.

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