Nikon Capture NX question


I have used Nikon Capture Nx for quite a lot of years now, and am quite happy with it - however :-Just back from a trip and have some photos to process, load them as I have always done - RAW file - process - save resultant JPEGThe working image (in all cases) is very different from the thumbnail, and if saved as a JPEG looks like the thumbnail not the 'gungy' image I have been working onCan anyone help - it is most odd ?!ThumbnailWorking NEF imageHope I have explained the problem?Al


Al93151 wrote:Hope I have explained the problem?Not so that I can understand it.(I still sometimes edit with Capture NX2).


What is the color space set on your camera ?(adobe rgb?)It looks as if Capture NX load an adobe rgb file but displays it as if it were a SRGB file.  (desaturate colors).Have you change any color setting parameters in Capture NX ?


j_photo wrote:Al93151 wrote:Hope I have explained the problem?Not so that I can understand it.(I still sometimes edit with Capture NX2).I have both programs, and, still prefer Nikon Capture NX2.My Nikon bodies are D3S  D3, and even a D2XS, so, work well with NX2.Regards Peter


Al93151 wrote:I have used Nikon Capture Nx for quite a lot of years now, and am quite happy with it - however :-Just back from a trip and have some photos to process, load them as I have always done - RAW file - process - save resultant JPEGThe working image (in all cases) is very different from the thumbnail, and if saved as a JPEG looks like the thumbnail not the 'gungy' image I have been working onCan anyone help - it is most odd ?!ThumbnailWorking NEF imageHope I have explained the problem?AlI have been using Capture NX-D since 2010 and three other post processors. Unfortunately, I am not sure I understand what you mean. Let me try to clarify with sample screen shots.Click the View Original Sizefor each photo for clarity. 1.Thumbnailpicture are nice and clear (ignore these are JPEG not NEF)Assume these are NEF thumbnail2. Bad Nikon Capture NX-D Preview as you were viewing the NEF before converting to JPEGNote the grain and distortion . . . just a sample I created for this example3. Result you got of converted JPEG from the NEF.Notice the clarity of the photo - - - just a screen shot for example.Did I restated the issue (problem) you are having?.


Thanks for all the replies - I obviously have not explained problem very well ?!The camera is set to sRGBThe small picture is the thumbnail I wish to edit (NEF)The large picture is the thumbnail loaded into the editing paneI have a vague feeling I remember having the problem once before - years ago - someone suggested - clearing chaches - uninstalling/re-installing NX ......It is only in the editing window that the photo looks desaturated, once saved, either as a NEF or JPEG it looks OK (i.e. more like the thumbnail colours)?Al


BrownieVet wrote:I have been using Capture NX-D since 2010.The OP said Capture NX, not Capture NX-D.


Al, I'm only familiar with Capture NX-2. Sorry I can't help.


That is exactly my interpretation of what you were trying to say.Al93151 wrote:Thanks for all the replies - I obviously have not explained problem very well ?!The camera is set to sRGBThe small picture is the thumbnail I wish to edit (NEF)Look at the first photo on my post,  Only difference is the photos are JPEG because I very seldom shoot raw (NEF)The large picture is the thumbnail loaded into the editing paneThe second of my sample photo is just as you described.  I intentionally blurred and distorted photo to simulate your description.You call it EDITING pane,  my Capture NX-D calls it PREVIEW pane. Look at the red circle (oblong) around the word Preview. Are you using Capture NX-2?  Perhaps our Capture NX version are different. Regardless,  functions and performance are the same.I have a vague feeling I remember having the problem once before - years ago - someone suggested - clearing chaches - uninstalling/re-installing NXWhile I do not agree, go ahead and clear your cache if that makes you feel good and uninstall-install.  Easier way to clear the cache and reset the software (Capture NX) is to reboot.(power down or Turn-off) the turn-on the computer)......It is only in the editing window that the photo looks desaturated,Look at the LEVEL CURVES at the lower right-corner.  Deliberately skewed to create this DESATURATED shot. Details are WASHED UP on the sample below.  This could be done by moving the Brightness slider to the right  or increasing the EV compensation,  or by manipulating the Level Curve as shown on the Lower-Right cornet of the photo.Look at the Level Curve on the lower-right corner.once saved, either as a NEF or JPEG it looks OK (i.e. more like the thumbnail colours)


j_photo wrote:BrownieVet wrote:I have been using Capture NX-D since 2010.The OP said Capture NX, not Capture NX-D.I don't understand your point.I don't remember Capture NX.  Is that the original version that was supplied with the D200?  I have Capture NX-2,  retails at $179,  last update was 2012.  I have four versions (release) of the FREE Capture NX-D.  Had two updates of the NX-2,  the last one being in Sept.2012.  There maybe more interim releases,  I generally read the description of the new updates before downloading / saving and installing.


Thank you for your replyThe point is - I do no editing - I just load the NEF from the thumbnail into the 'editing window' & it appears as I describe. Even after editing, brightness, curves, sharpening etc. - when saved it appears much nearer the thumbnail than the editing window version.It appears in the editing window incorrectly.I do not agree switching off PC & on again is the same as uninstalling & re-installing the programmeThanksAl


It is Capture NX2 2.4.7 I use !


BrownieVet wrote:j_photo wrote:BrownieVet wrote:I have been using Capture NX-D since 2010.The OP said Capture NX, not Capture NX-D.I don't understand your point.My point is we seem to be talking about different software products.


If you do not do any editing,  I am curious why you shot in NEF? Why not just shot in JPEG?  You have choice of Image Quaity:  Fine, Normal, Basic.  You also have size choice:  Small, Medium, Large.Would you mind my asking: 1)  What is your camera model. 2)  What version of Nikon Capture do you have,  Please be specific,  is it Capture NX,   Capture NX-2,  Capture NX-D or something else. 3)  Do you update your Capture NX?  if yes,  when was the lst time you updated? 3)  What computer are you using,  Apple (Mac)  ot Windows 4)  What is your computer Operating Software,  be specific please.  The Capture NX you are using may not be compatible with your computer O/S. Are you aware that Nikon View (any version) can also convert NEF into JPEG? If you are Using the Original Capture NX (I believe release in 2006) that may not be compatible with your computer O/S,  whether Apple or Windows. The Original Capture NX is no longer supported by Nikon.  If you have Capture NX-2, it retails for $179.  However, while still available,  the last update was in 2012. Capture NX-D was introduced by Nikon in 2014.  It is FREE and can be downloaded.  Last update was (I think) September 2017.Al93151 wrote:Thank you for your replyThe point is - I do no editing - I just load the NEF from the thumbnail into the 'editing window' & it appears as I describe. Even after editing, brightness, curves, sharpening etc. - when saved it appears much nearer the thumbnail than the editing window version.It appears in the editing window incorrectly.I do not agree switching off PC & on again is the same as uninstalling & re-installing the programmeThanksAl


Al93151 wrote:It is Capture NX2 2.4.7 I use !If you are using Apple running on Sierra or High Sierra,  Capture NX-2, any version, may not be compatible. About two years earlier,  my Capture NX-2 cease to work properly when Apple Store upgraded my O/S from El Capitan to Sierra.  NikonUSA Support informed me of the compatibility issue.  Since last upgrade of Capture NX-2 was in 2012, Nikon told me they no onger support Capture NX-2. I remove (uninstalled) Capture NX-2 and downloaded Capture NX-D. Check your computer O/S for compatibility with your Nikon Capture NX.


j_photo wrote:BrownieVet wrote:j_photo wrote:BrownieVet wrote:I have been using Capture NX-D since 2010.The OP said Capture NX, not Capture NX-D.I don't understand your point.My point is we seem to be talking about different software products.So what is it to you?


BrownieVet wrote:j_photo wrote:BrownieVet wrote:j_photo wrote:BrownieVet wrote:I have been using Capture NX-D since 2010.The OP said Capture NX, not Capture NX-D.I don't understand your point.My point is we seem to be talking about different software products.So what is it to you?I thought we were trying to help the OP with his question.


I'm at work and can't open up the software right now.Did someone already mentioned color space? Make sure that you are editing in sRGB and haven't changed to something else. In other words, you could be editing in some other color space but then when saving the jpeg, converting to sRGB. That might explain what you are seeing.


Stop !I use Capture NX2 2.4.7The thumbnail when double clicked loads the photo into the editing window/paneWithout doing anything - the colours/saturation are totally different on the two images.It did not used to be like this, they used to at least look similar.If I save the image in the editing window with no editing, the resulting JPEG looks the same as the original thumbnail BUT NOT like the photo in the editing window ( which should just be an enlargement of the thumbnail) ?Something is causing photo to alter when loaded into editing window/pane ???Al


j_photo wrote:BrownieVet wrote:j_photo wrote:BrownieVet wrote:j_photo wrote:BrownieVet wrote:I have been using Capture NX-D since 2010.The OP said Capture NX, not Capture NX-D.I don't understand your point.My point is we seem to be talking about different software products.So what is it to you?I thought we were trying to help the OP with his question.How was your post of help?  Telling me that the OP has Capture NX and not NX-D?  You stated somewhere iin this thread that you only use NX-D,  do you honestly believe that help? Give the OP specific steps will help,  rather than saying he has NX.

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