This is getting interesting!

Barry Fitzgerald

awaldramwrote:Thats even if Pentax want to think of FFIt's too late for Pentax to enter the FF Market. Canon and Nikon will soon have "more" affordable FF bodies to buy..they will sell a ton of them hand over fist.And Pentax will continue to lose users to Canikon because of that.That's what happens when a company does not have the vision or resources to look ahead. Hoya didn't, neither do Ricoh.Shame for K mount users..but there you go.

Joseph Tainter

Barry Fitzgeraldwrote:That's what happens when a company does not have the vision or resources to look ahead. Hoya didn't, neither do Ricoh.From the start, Hoya prepared Pentax's imaging division for sale. So you can't say that Hoya didn't look ahead.Joe


I have reliable information (*) that, while Pentax has been considering a FF camera for years, and has even created prototypes, it isn't going to be released for the foreseeable future. Moreso, there is most likelynevergoing to be a FF Pentax again. It doesn't make economic sense for a company this size, APS-C being the current performance/price sweetspot, to enter the relatively niche market of full frame DSLRs. Ricoh knows this is only going to be more true in the future with the eventual improvement of EVFs that will make large optical viewfinders, the main advantage of FF, irrelevant.In fact, they wish they weren't stuck with the 645D and could just focus to consumer and "prosumer" cameras.So, if youthink youneed full frame, I recommend you switch to Nikon (or your preferred alternative) now. Don't forget to sell your gear cheap to those of us who want to keep using the best APS-C cameras in the world.(*) ok. That's a lie. It's just as much speculation as any other rumour on the web.


Barry Fitzgeraldwrote:awaldramwrote:Thats even if Pentax want to think of FFIt's too late for Pentax to enter the FF Market. Canon and Nikon will soon have "more" affordable FF bodies to buy..they will sell a ton of them hand over fist.And Pentax will continue to lose users to Canikon because of that.That's what happens when a company does not have the vision or resources to look ahead. Hoya didn't, neither do Ricoh.Shame for K mount users..but there you go.You're making an assumption based on no evidence that the number of people defecting to the Nikon/Canon camp because of the lack of FF is actually significant. You don't know either how many people goes from Nikon/Canon to Pentax because it is selling the best APS-C on the market. Pentax has a vision, though it may not be yours. Give them some credit, and lets wait and see where Pentax-Ricoh is going, and if you don't like what you see, buy something else, and if we all do that, then Pentax-Ricoh will change its strategy, but I doubt that it is what will happen as evidence show, Pentax is beginning to gain some ground in the APS-C market, which is by far the largest in the DSLR arena. Pentax is finding its niche as a company that delivers something different than the other offerings. Time will tell if this is working for them or not. So far I like what I see, even if not all products meet MY needs, the Q is still awesome and very good for what it is, so is the K-01. They're just not for me.


What if Pentax goes FF and it turns out to be not as good as a d800, and looks like a k-01? You all assume it would be the greatest camera ever.

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