If you could have the newest sensor and processor in any body ever, which one would you choose?

Adrian Harris

Crazy Micro Four Thirds Dude wrote:SteveY80 wrote:For me it's GX9, mainly for the wonderful tilting screen, small size, and generally good range of controls and features. Personally, I find it a much more enjoyable camera to use than the G9 or OM-1, at least when I don't need their more advanced features. The only thing I really dislike about the GX9 is its poor AF, which would presumably be fixed by the hypothetical PDAF sensor and new processor.This would have been my answer too, but I don't own one.Yes, but only if it had a tilting EVF I could see through 😁


'nuff said.

Messier Object

It’s my oldest camera that I still use on a regular basis and it would be good to have its old 12Mp sensor updated. I don’t care about it not having the smart AF and mirrorless features of an OM-1.Peter


I'd want a newer faster reading sensor on myGX850, which would address it's biggest shortcoming (limited shutter) and would simultaneously keep my M4/3 teles very relevant and as a great complement to my FF kit for years to come... That's gonna be the case either way, but a faster sensor on that little body would push it further.I doubt I'll see such a thing anytime soon on even a larger GX## or E-M5 (I mean the OM-5 just came out), but I'd settle at least for the E-M1 II/III & E-M5 III/OM-5 or G9 sensor with the 1/60 readout on a tiny body. That's literally the only thing I really want out of M4/3 right now tbh, I'm super happy with my various teles and pretty happy with my smaller wide primes even if I'm not using 'em much.Failing that I'd take myGM1,or a GM5 even but I never owned one and I don't really need the EVF for what I mostly use my small body for (secondary body, low light - social stuff, concerts), the tilt screen is more useful to me, so yeah GX850 (with all the extra perks it has over the GM bodies like better AF, video, USB charging, etc.).


Crazy Micro Four Thirds Dude wrote:Mark Thornton wrote:Though to some extent the premise excluded the OM-1 which already has the latest sensor and firmware. Otherwise not much love for the larger members of the m4/3 family.MarkI would kind of argue that the gx8 is actually one of the "larger" bodies.Say there's 5 sizes. Tiny (gm1/olympus air A01) Almost tiny (Gm5, gf3/4/5/6/7/8/9, e-pm1/2) Small (E-PL-line, gx85/9, E-P line, Pen-f) Large (e-m1 line, "G" line) Size doesn't matter (e-m1x, GH line)Where does the gx8 fit? I find that it would be considered bigger than Pen-F, gx85/9, e-p5, much bigger than e-pl line, and barely smaller than an e-m1.To me the e-m1 mark 1 is probably the smallest of the big grip cams, next to the gx8. Side by side, e-m1i and gx8 are nearly the same size.The body is so thick in the gx8, the kind of skinnier grip of the gx8 ends up protruding to the same over all thickness of the e-m1.If some one were to ask me if the gx8 was a small camera, I would probably answer "actually it's a rather big camera." I would call it the smallest "large" camera in the system.I mostly agree, but isn't the GM5 closer to the GM1 than the others in it's category? Some of the E-PL are also in between that second category and the one you have them in but I guess that's splitting hairs... I appreciate these differences myself, but I get the feeling that a lot of the old guard looks at anything sub-GX85 size as uselessly small (despite Tom's and other's best efforts), heck most bodies sold today are bog standard SLR shaped bodies the size of an OM-D or G##.I think there's still potential to break smaller stuff into new markets, but it's kinda random what will suddenly become trendy beyond expectations (eg Fuji X100V).

NZ Scott

Crazy Micro Four Thirds Dude wrote:NZ Scott wrote:Crazy Micro Four Thirds Dude wrote:If you could send in one of your older cameras, and hypothetically the new processor would be able to fit in place of the old one, and they would update the sensor to OM1 sensor, or the hypothetical PDAF upcoming Pany sensor, which camera would you send in.Panasonic GM5.If I were allowed three other upgrades, they would be:1) flip screenNo, thanks, this will increase the size of the camera, furthering it from the point of it (smallest, not just small).And yet, the RX is practically the same size as the GM5 despite having an in-built lens…2) RX100-style pop-up viewfinderWould this actually make the camera smaller? If so how? Could they have fit that in a gm1? If they couldn't fit it in a gm1, the camera would need to be as big as the gm5 anyway, and at that point, although hidden evf is neat concept, seems like another breakable component, so no.It’s a much, much better viewfinder than the  GM5’s.I own both cameras, and it’s the viewfinder on my GM5 that is unreliable. It’s the main reason I use the RX.3) weather sealingI don't have anything bad to say about this idea, I would be for them adding weather sealing to a gm5ii.Then it would be the perfect camera for me.SThe rules are....Only one camera, please don't even tell your runner up. Tell us as much or as little as you want, of why you chose that camera, but please limit it to one.You must possess the body you are advocating for, we will cheat and say of you have broken dials, stuck shutter, etc, they would also be fixed for free, but you must have the camera body.You get the updated sensor and processor only (no complaining your PEN-F has a fully articulating and you want flip, or please also replace my field sequential evf on my gx85)..... Besides the processor and sensor, you are stuck with all the other components and build materials, it would be a modded cam, not a full reinvention.You get to keep all your lenses, so no need to tell us about em, just the camera you'd choose, and why (if you care to share).Please name your camera in the title, so if the discussion fills up, we can see majority cameras quickly from the thread string.


I'd love to have an updated GM5, but to be honest, the G9 *feels* so much better and fits so well in my hand and is so straightforward, that if I could just get the update described in the OP, I'd be more than happy.The GM5 as is will still be loved and used.

Paul De Bra

finnan haddie wrote:Paul De Bra wrote:If at least it would also get electronic first curtain...The EM5.1 got it since firmware 1.3:AFAIK that's just how Olympus named theirelectronic first curtainmode.My E-M5 (mark I) is at firmware 2.2 and really has no 0 second anti-shake option.I believe the E-M5 lacks electronic first curtain capability.

finnan haddie

Paul De Bra wrote:...My E-M5 (mark I) is at firmware 2.2 and really has no 0 second anti-shake option.I believe the E-M5 lacks electronic first curtain capability.


Paul De Bra wrote:finnan haddie wrote:Paul De Bra wrote:If at least it would also get electronic first curtain...The EM5.1 got it since firmware 1.3:AFAIK that's just how Olympus named theirelectronic first curtainmode.My E-M5 (mark I) is at firmware 2.2 and really has no 0 second anti-shake option.I believe the E-M5 lacks electronic first curtain capability.Correct. They never fixed the intermittent shutter shock issue with the E-M5. E-P5, O-M1 and E-M5ii all got EFCS.Cheers,Rick


Just because. (They'd have to ditch the second card slot and big battery, several controls and perhaps a few other features, but it's a camera with a different mission.)Give it titanium top and bottom plates.Cheers,Rick


Promeneur wrote:The GX85 is smaller than the GX8 and we would be getting the same sensor and processor. So, which is more important a smaller camera or a weather sealed camera?I dunno why Panasonic (or most manufacturers tbh) don't tend to make smaller weather sealed bodies, there's no reason it has to be a forced choice like this, the E-M5 line is plenty small... It's unfortunate, even Oly is guilty of it tbh, the PEN-F should've been weather sealed for the $ but they were more concerned with aesthetics and hiding screws and who knows what.


Promeneur wrote:The GX85 is smaller than the GX8 and we would be getting the same sensor and processor. So, which is more important a smaller camera or a weather sealed camera?One word: ERGONOMICS!The GX8 has GREAT handling and GREAT EVF. The GX7-series is small and that’s just lovely. BUT the GX8 isn’t much bigger, though it got a weird reputation for being some sort of behemoth.I owned and tolerated a GX7 for a couple of years. I used it a LOT, but it was never better than just okay. The best thing about it was the nicely sculpted grip, which Panasonic chose to jettison with the GX85.The GX8 is completely different and FAR better in terms of ergonomics, handling, more and better external controls and general usability. It has a great feature set.It’s only downsides were the mechanical shutter and not the best IBIS. NEITHER were deal-breakers and we’re easily worked with, or worked around. Neither has been a problem for me.Weather sealing? A bonus. The GX8 is about SO much more! If you haven’t yet, TRY one. It’s an effin great camera! Ask any GX8 user.

Dr Hal

Panasonic GF1


Skeeterbytes wrote:Just because. (They'd have to ditch the second card slot and big battery, several controls and perhaps a few other features, but it's a camera with a different mission.)Give it titanium top and bottom plates.Cheers,RickWhy would you replace the elaborate existing Magnesium top cover casting with a Titanium plate?Titanium cannot be cast, it would have to be a stamping. And Titanium stampings cannot have those elaborate details. Titanium is not easy to bend into shapes. I think what you mean is probably just a grey Titanium-lookalike paint. Very often when camera marketing talks like a "Titanium special edition" they just mean that, a Titanium lookalike paint. Not the metal the part is made ofPen-F already has a very premium all magnesium body, front and back shell, top and bottom. No reason to make it cheaper with stampings:Left the raw Magnesium casting, right machined, cleaned up and painted. No way you can do that complex part as a Titanium stamping.

Mark Thornton

However titanium can be 3d printed, so that is a future option for parts like this.


cba_melbourne wrote:Skeeterbytes wrote:Just because. (They'd have to ditch the second card slot and big battery, several controls and perhaps a few other features, but it's a camera with a different mission.)Give it titanium top and bottom plates.Why would you replace the elaborate existing Magnesium top cover casting with a Titanium plate?Titanium is cooler than magnesium. It has a nice patina, too. I prefer stainless steel, but that’s a whole ‘nother thing.Titanium cannot be cast, it would have to be a stamping. And Titanium stampings cannot have those elaborate details. Titanium is not easy to bend into shapes. I think what you mean is probably just a grey Titanium-lookalike paint. Very often when camera marketing talks like a "Titanium special edition" they just mean that, a Titanium lookalike paint. Not the metal the part is made ofTitanium can be milled. Stamping, definitely not. It would be extremely expensive.Pen-F already has a very premium all magnesium body, front and back shell, top and bottom. No reason to make it cheaper with stampings:Left the raw Magnesium casting, right machined, cleaned up and painted. No way you can do that complex part as a Titanium stamping.They could cast and mill the thing in titanium, the same as magnesium. Be prepared to sell a kidney, or child. 😜

Jimmy G

Well, Panasonic has seen fit to seemingly offer their long-ballyhooed Organic Sensor for purchase...Panasonic -opf_cmos_image_sensor_2021.pdfhttps://tech.panasonic.com/jp/td/data/material_device_technology/opf_cmos_image_sensor_2021.pdf...I should hope that they've gone through the trouble to make this in both FF and MFT sizes for their own products. I had hopes (prior to its release) that my GH6 would have been made with this tech, but, alas, it was not meant to be. Ha!Alternate pick, that sensor tech in a Mark II S1 and S1H (I own 2 of the former).It's not like I'm wishing for something they hadn't already promised for their Lumix lines several years ago...An exclusive insight into the Panasonic 8K organic sensor - YouTubehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FyqN6_PoVoIAdded criteria: all of the above with the full functionality for their DMW-MS2 mid-side mic as currently found in the Mark I versions of the S1, S1H.

finnan haddie

cba_melbourne wrote:Skeeterbytes wrote:Just because. (They'd have to ditch the second card slot and big battery, several controls and perhaps a few other features, but it's a camera with a different mission.)Give it titanium top and bottom plates.Cheers,RickWhy would you replace the elaborate existing Magnesium top cover casting with a Titanium plate?Titanium cannot be cast, it would have to be a stamping. And Titanium stampings cannot have those elaborate details. Titanium is not easy to bend into shapes.Form follows function. Don't need no playful details. I'd almost bought the limited edition Leica M9 Titanium. https://www.toolcraft.de/case-studies/leica-m9-titanium/I think what you mean is probably just a grey Titanium-lookalike paint.Bleh!! 🤮Very often when camera marketing talks like a "Titanium special edition" they just mean that, a Titanium lookalike paint. Not the metal the part is made ofFake! Olympus had a titanium grey painted special edition of the EM5.2. Do not want! What a major frustration, after the OM-3 Ti and OM-4 Ti. https://www.thomaseisl.photography/reviews/olympus-om4tiPen-F already has a very premium all magnesium body, front and back shell, top and bottom. No reason to make it cheaper with stampings:Still better than the plastic shell of the EM5.3 and OM5.... No way you can do that complex part as a Titanium stamping.https://fujifilm-x.com/en-us/products/cameras/x-pro3/ https://leica-camera.com/en-US/photography/cameras/m/m-a-titan-set


Just add mic in.

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