Wrong camera returned from Nikon Service Centre


I sent my D500 away for a service, to the Nikon Service Centre. When it came back it didn’t “feel right” and, I checked and it is the wrong serial number. They have sent me back a D500 but notmyD500. I have contacted Nikon and they have admitted their mistake. However, as there was a delay between the camera being returned to me and me realising that I have the wrong camera, there is no chance of getting my own camera back.The D500 camera I have now has an unknown history. However, there are missing dust caps, no body cap and it is generally grubby which, I think, suggests is it not well looked after. I had my camera from new and looked after it well.Nikon have offered that they service this camera for me and I continue with this unknown camera. This solution doesn’t feel right to me because someone else has my well-looked after camera and I have an unknown entity.I can see how this sort of mistake can occur and I don’t want to start a conversation moaning about the Nikon Service Centre. What I would like to know, now this has occurred, what do you think is a realistic and fair outcome? I note that Nikon no longer make the D500.

Daniel Bliss

This is outrageous. It's a non solution.Nikon USA did this to me with a 70-200 VR II 2.8 a number of years ago. I complained forthrightly and they replaced it with a fresh refurb. (Of course that one had an element very slightly tilted in much the same way as what I'd sent them to repair in the first place, and I finally gave up and sent it to an independent servicer who I knew would do an amazing job at a reasonable price and indeed they did. But hey, at least they sort of tried).

William in Canada

Mapesy wrote:I sent my D500 away for a service, to the Nikon Service Centre. When it came back it didn’t “feel right” and, I checked and it is the wrong serial number. They have sent me back a D500 but notmyD500. I have contacted Nikon and they have admitted their mistake. However, as there was a delay between the camera being returned to me and me realising that I have the wrong camera, there is no chance of getting my own camera back.The D500 camera I have now has an unknown history. However, there are missing dust caps, no body cap and it is generally grubby which, I think, suggests is it not well looked after. I had my camera from new and looked after it well.Nikon have offered that they service this camera for me and I continue with this unknown camera. This solution doesn’t feel right to me because someone else has my well-looked after camera and I have an unknown entity.I can see how this sort of mistake can occur and I don’t want to start a conversation moaning about the Nikon Service Centre. What I would like to know, now this has occurred, what do you think is a realistic and fair outcome? I note that Nikon no longer make the D500.Why there is no chance you get camera back? Because they gave your camera to others? If they still have your camera, they should give to you


Huh. Back in 2004 or so I sent a D1 in for service. Nikon was unable to repair it. They sent me back a pretty nice but used D2h. I was pleased. Free upgrade!I ask for a replacement with a minty refurb D500, or maybe just another model up. Maybe they'd give you a used D850 or D750 or something else you may be interested in.


Just mention you were looking at switching to Sony if they need a bit of prodding.


Yes exactly, they have sent my camera to someone else and say that they can't get in touch with them. It has also been several weeks now so there is no telling how that camera has been used either


This is a bit of a dilemma, but Nikon IS obligated to make this right to your satisfaction, one way or another.Yes, a Mint, Refurbished by Nikon, D500, seems like the best solution, and I think Nikon can be persuaded to do that. I have bought refurbished products in the past, and was satisfied. Refurbished D500's sell for more than I paid ($1500) for a New one in June 2021. My first one was $2K in 2016.  I haven't seen any new ones for awhile, but just found this.  So there are definitely some options for Nikon to "fix" this for you.https://www.amazon.com/Nikon-D500-DX-Format-Digital-Body/dp/B01A7Q0J3Y/ref=dp_fod_1?pd_rd_w=if6kV&content-id=amzn1.sym.d4cdfb0a-d4b4-4f0b-8c51-55838af3328a&pf_rd_p=d4cdfb0a-d4b4-4f0b-8c51-55838af3328a&pf_rd_r=D5K9D0P9Z2NP7YJCZQPT&pd_rd_wg=RihEz&pd_rd_r=14841f64-7448-4947-b0fc-91e967546794&pd_rd_i=B01A7Q0J3Y&psc=1At the very least, they should do a complete Renewal of the camera you now have.Good luck!Arnie

Doug Haag

It sounds like the delay in your realizing there was a switch may contribute to the inability to get your own 500 back.I never imagined this could happen,  But it got me thinking about precautions I might take if I ever have to send mine for repair that could be checked immediately upon the camera's return.1.  Leave an SD card in the slot with your photos on it that could be checked immediately upon return.2.  Put a little identifying sticker on the end of the battery.Other suggestions?


Unfortunately the OP does not state where he bought the camera (and on what terms) nor what the "delay" was; maybe for a reason.Anyway, assuming he lives AND BOUGHT THE CAMERA in a civilized country, there should be law to protect customers, which usually overrides anything a seller/supplier might want to argue.He should be reimbursed with his (repaired) camera, and if that is not possible (for whatever reason; the delay comes into view here) "in kind".But of course, that's a thought from a (reasonably) civilized country.


Doug Haag wrote:It sounds like the delay in your realizing there was a switch may contribute to the inability to get your own 500 back.I never imagined this could happen, But it got me thinking about precautions I might take if I ever have to send mine for repair that could be checked immediately upon the camera's return.1. Leave an SD card in the slot with your photos on it that could be checked immediately upon return.2. Put a little identifying sticker on the end of the battery.Other suggestions?Hi Doug,I stick an address label on the bottom of my cameras ... And ... I trim an address label so it fits on the inside of the memory card door.  One of my D500's is 6 1/2 years old, and both stickers are still there.  The one inside the memory card door is pristine ... the one on the bottom? ... Not so much, but it can be easily replaced.Arnie


arniebook wrote:I stick an address label on the bottom of my cameras ... And ... I trim an address label so it fits on the inside of the memory card door. One of my D500's is 6 1/2 years old, and both stickers are still there. The one inside the memory card door is pristine ... the one on the bottom? ... Not so much, but it can be easily replaced.ArnieMy first thought was that's a great idea! On the other hand, I might not want a random stranger to know my address where they could potentially find more expensive camera gear.


Doug Haag wrote:It sounds like the delay in your realizing there was a switch may contribute to the inability to get your own 500 back.I never imagined this could happen, But it got me thinking about precautions I might take if I ever have to send mine for repair that could be checked immediately upon the camera's return.1. Leave an SD card in the slot with your photos on it that could be checked immediately upon return.2. Put a little identifying sticker on the end of the battery.Other suggestions?Uhm, how about just making sure you have the serial number of your camera noted somewhere. Maybe take a couple of photos of your camera including one showing the serial number. That would be more reliable than using accessories that can be taken out of the camera as a means to identify your body, I'd think.And in the case of the OP, there seems to be no discussion that Nikon did send back the wrong body. The problem is the solution they are offering.


I ask for a replacement with a minty refurb D500, or maybe just another model up. Maybe they'd give you a used D850 or D750 or something else you may be interested in.Honestly, that would be the only decent way for Nikon to rectify this messy situation. They created the problem, it's up to them to come up with an acceptable solution. And offering you a 'minty' (I now cannot get the idea of a peppermint scented D500 out of my head, thanx for that) refurb D500 would be the perfect solution, I'd say.


I do the same by put ine behind the lcd on back of camera case, but for Op Nikon does a good job at repairung mine, it  came back like new what is shutter count on the one they sent if its high demand a new shutter as well....

Models By Day

Well Nikon Still sells NEW D500, they made a huge mistakeThey should send a new one.What about the Shutter Clicks on yours vs. the Replacement?


Ringwraith69 wrote:I ask for a replacement with a minty refurb D500, or maybe just another model up. Maybe they'd give you a used D850 or D750 or something else you may be interested in.Honestly, that would be the only decent way for Nikon to rectify this messy situation. They created the problem, it's up to them to come up with an acceptable solution. And offering you a 'minty' (I now cannot get the idea of a peppermint scented D500 out of my head, thanx for that) refurb D500 would be the perfect solution, I'd say.LOL ... love your lightening things up with a little humor.Arnie


Jimusny wrote:I do the same by put ine behind the lcd on back of camera case, but for Op Nikon does a good job at repairung mine, it came back like new what is shutter count on the one they sent if its high demand a new shutter as well....Hi Jim,Hmmm ... I like that.Arnie


Thank you for this information, and the link, that is really helpful


Yes, I had a record of the serial number. It took me a while to realise it was the wrong camera. Initially, I was contacting Nikon asking them to post me the missing dust covers and body cap.  I will be checking (and memorising!) the serial numbers in future.


Thank you all for your help and suggestions. I am waiting to hear back from Nikon.

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