Wrong camera returned from Nikon Service Centre


MK wrote:Just stumbled on this as an interesting read.So after one month, what was the out come? Or is it still in discussion?Ditto.  I’d be interested in hearing the outcome.I did notice that the OP has a total of 6 posts all in this thread. The OP joined DPR for this issue, and may not return ??


Or perhaps Nikon have reached an accommodation with the customer the details of which they have asked him not to disclose?


msu79gt82 wrote:MK wrote:Just stumbled on this as an interesting read.So after one month, what was the out come? Or is it still in discussion?Ditto. I’d be interested in hearing the outcome.I did notice that the OP has a total of 6 posts all in this thread. The OP joined DPR for this issue, and may not return ??I noticed the same.  Maybe the squeaky wheel has been oiled.


digitaria wrote:Or perhaps Nikon have reached an accommodation with the customer the details of which they have asked him not to disclose?Possible but I doubt it because if its advantageous to the OP, e.g., brand new refurbished camera, I would think Nikon might want it to be known that they act on good faith to the OP.  Sort of like indirect marketing.Plus I highly doubt Nikon, or any camera manufacturer, will go through the legal channels to have a non-disclosure signed to get a repair resolved.  Too much hassle.


MK wrote:digitaria wrote:Or perhaps Nikon have reached an accommodation with the customer the details of which they have asked him not to disclose?Possible but I doubt it because if its advantageous to the OP, e.g., brand new refurbished camera, I would think Nikon might want it to be known that they act on good faith to the OP. Sort of like indirect marketing.Plus I highly doubt Nikon, or any camera manufacturer, will go through the legal channels to have a non-disclosure signed to get a repair resolved. Too much hassle.Only OP and Nikon know. This was not simply resolution of a repair complaint; they lost his camera. Nikon likely has legal staff on retainer and an issue like this would seem likely to at least be discussed. That would not be the additional step of seeking legal advice, but rather going through the legal channels they already have in place. Risk management scenarios, regardless of significance, are generally managed quietly, and settlements often remain confidential. I doubt Nikon is looking for some indirect marketing that brings attention to careless handling of repairs or wants to create a situation where the expectations for resolution of a complaint are new merchandise. I think more likely OP wants to avoid the expense of seeking legal advice and queried here for options to present to Nikon as reasonable compensation, knowing Nikon legal team was involved.

David Lal

hikerdoc wrote:I think more likely OP wants to avoid the expense of seeking legal advice and queried here for options to present to Nikon as reasonable compensation, knowing Nikon legal team was involved.I suspect you are very right.

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