Every Morning: Waiting for Q3 Announcement


Texas_Stars wrote:Karl Huber wrote:You are not alone.I am hoping for a 35mm Q3.My hopes for a CL2 were dashed, so I'm hoping for better luck this time.We may see a 35mm Q3 before we see a 50mm Q4 … I hope one of us gets our wish; however, the manner in which others have addressed this topic is to explain that the Q2 body may not be large enough to accommodate a longer focal length.DavidNonsense, the RX1 series has a Zeiss 35/2 and is smaller and lighter than the Q/Q2.camerasize.comWhat you might ant to take on board though is - have argued this before as it was one of my "wants" regarding the Q/Q2 - that you can crop to a 30Mpx image and roughly 35mm F2.1-ish.Since the 24Mpx files of the RX1/RX1r were already fantastic in my opinion, I can't see how the Q2 with its 30Mpx would be any worse. Have tested the cropabilities of the Q2 and find it excellent.With the added bonus of around 25/26mm when you feel the need for it. Might require using software like Capture One though.Deed

Le Chef

If Leica follows the previous “M” and “Q” pattern you might well see a Q2-P (sounds like something you do at halftime at football matches) before you see a Q3.


deednets wrote:Texas_Stars wrote:Karl Huber wrote:You are not alone.I am hoping for a 35mm Q3.My hopes for a CL2 were dashed, so I'm hoping for better luck this time.We may see a 35mm Q3 before we see a 50mm Q4 … I hope one of us gets our wish; however, the manner in which others have addressed this topic is to explain that the Q2 body may not be large enough to accommodate a longer focal length.DavidNonsense, the RX1 series has a Zeiss 35/2 and is smaller and lighter than the Q/Q2.camerasize.comWhat you might ant to take on board though is - have argued this before as it was one of my "wants" regarding the Q/Q2 - that you can crop to a 30Mpx image and roughly 35mm F2.1-ish.Since the 24Mpx files of the RX1/RX1r were already fantastic in my opinion, I can't see how the Q2 with its 30Mpx would be any worse. Have tested the cropabilities of the Q2 and find it excellent.With the added bonus of around 25/26mm when you feel the need for it. Might require using software like Capture One though.DeedFor me a 35mm fl would give the shallower DOF which I would love - especially for portraits


Verus wrote:deednets wrote:Texas_Stars wrote:Karl Huber wrote:You are not alone.I am hoping for a 35mm Q3.My hopes for a CL2 were dashed, so I'm hoping for better luck this time.We may see a 35mm Q3 before we see a 50mm Q4 … I hope one of us gets our wish; however, the manner in which others have addressed this topic is to explain that the Q2 body may not be large enough to accommodate a longer focal length.DavidNonsense, the RX1 series has a Zeiss 35/2 and is smaller and lighter than the Q/Q2.camerasize.comWhat you might ant to take on board though is - have argued this before as it was one of my "wants" regarding the Q/Q2 - that you can crop to a 30Mpx image and roughly 35mm F2.1-ish.Since the 24Mpx files of the RX1/RX1r were already fantastic in my opinion, I can't see how the Q2 with its 30Mpx would be any worse. Have tested the cropabilities of the Q2 and find it excellent.With the added bonus of around 25/26mm when you feel the need for it. Might require using software like Capture One though.DeedFor me a 35mm fl would give the shallower DOF which I would love - especially for portraitsI found the 35/2 fabulous for portraits that would include some environment. For "true" portraits I wouldn't use a 35mm.In fact I bought the sensational Batis 40/2, a bit longer, but the F2 is just what I seem to like.Again: unless I use true portrait lenses.In short: I am ok with the Q2's conversion to 35/2.1as I really value the wider part of this camera. Without giving up on the nice bokeh at 35mm.Agree to disagree?Deed


Hopefully not. Hopefully Leica releases all-new Q3 instead of doing half-way with slight refresh

Le Chef

If the Q2 is still selling well, why do anything at all?


Isn't the 'reporter' a similar in between filler as was q-p?


This days, manufacturers can't stay forever with the same product, even if the product itself is very-very good, almost perfect. This days, any product relaying on IT and technology is out-of-date in 2-3 years, behind the market's standards and whatever customers want. So bad, but this where we all are now. If you already have something good, and if it fully meets your needs, sure, keep it forever, enjoy. If someone is looking to buy new product and going to spend some big money on it, deferent story. Like me, for example, I can spend $6-7K on giving myself nice new toy, but it is still not chip for me, so, I'd think more then twice if taking something benign on market for 2-3 years already, or wait for new upcoming one. Sure, there are always "buy now-use-sale later-buy new" option, but maybe not for everyone. I do IT for living, I know how much technology is behind top-quality precision glass and German-engineered mechanical components, and - unfortunately - how dramatically it changes in 2-3 years. So... Q3! just my 2 cents

the decent exposure

FredInMN1 wrote:May I ask what improvements you would like to see ? +MP ? Tilt screen or higher resolution ? Focal length ? PDAF ?Thanks !I would be happy with a good DR and good high iso


Modlin wrote:Isn't the 'reporter' a similar in between filler as was q-p?That was a special edition.


Le Chef wrote:If the Q2 is still selling well, why do anything at all?Not the Henry Ford algorithm … maybe he might not have made a go out of it in the current business world.My way of thinking they continue to be on the Leica sales list … the 35mm Q3, the 50mm Q4 … the xxmm Q5  … then is is a reason to have different options … more money for Leica and a different ongoing, continuous fad.David


Texas_Stars wrote:Every morning I am hoping to see an official announcement regarding the Leica Q3 and what lens it will have ... waiting ... waiting ... hoping for my choice, but only time will tell ... hope for good news sometime this year.Am I the only one waiting and hopeful?DavidI hope you are enjoying your Q/Q2 in the meantime.


Le Chef wrote:If the Q2 is still selling well, why do anything at all?Dealereast of metold me that q, q2 have been a smash hit for them and such for Leica.There is a proverb with goose and golden eggs etc...Maybefor the eager ones, Leica will have a special option w/35mm?...or maybe they will come up with a scheme: order @ dealer:1)28mm 2)35mm 3)50mm...ie. we will build to order (like others do)Most likely60MP sensor will be the next q3...probably with some button moved from left to right or something like that to impress and to list @ higher price...'optics'...you know the drill

Le Chef

Agree.Common sense says it will be 60MP, better focus tracking (LUMIX phase shift?) and the same 28mm lens. Not even sure you need a flippy-flappy screen either.


I would like usb-c charging, which im certain it will have


Le Chef wrote:Agree.Common sense says it will be 60MP, better focus tracking (LUMIX phase shift?) and the same 28mm lens. Not even sure you need a flippy-flappy screen either.flippy-flappy screen?...I don't need it and probably majority...who uses it?..video shooters?I have that screen on 6dII...don't recall flipping it even once..


0ursisthefury wrote:I would like usb-c charging, which im certain it will havethat would be a good idea..


A UK dealer has a stock of about 30 secondhand Q2 cameras right now. Perhaps you can tell me why anyone would wish to get rid of a Q2?Or pay about £4000 for one with a mere 6 months guarantee?I have heard tales of dust on the sensor, and in the viewfinder: I have seen examples of extraordinary banding in normal indoor lighting, so my first demand is that these do not occur EVER again, and that weatherproofing and dustproofing is actually for real, in every camera at any price, simply as the bog-standard basis of viable manufacture for use of an electrical object that once wet dies forever. A £5000 useless lump of glass and metals, hmmm.My Q3 has a fast 24-70mm or 14-35mm zoom. Cleverly it maintains your framelines of choice in your EVF as you zoom in or out, rather like the optical tunnel that the Contax G2 has, but with accuracy and space outside the frame to let you see where your chosen focal length is in relation to reality. As now, in other words, but with the advantage that you stay at the same resolution, and the same frame size whatever the focal length.The lenses are interchangeable with all L series lenses, but it is likely only the Leica branded lenses will give you such framelines for your field of view, because to exist, as now, the focal length of the lens has to be wider than it is specified.On my planet there is progress. We do not cheat customers through planned obsolescence as you earthlings do, and when it says 50 years on the base of a camera as its lifespan it will not fail to last that long and work perfectly, because we leave the lead in our solder and printed circuits, which the EU RoHS Germans do not do.....

Le Chef

You’re dreaming. Do you understand the design and construction of the Q2? If you do did you would not be saying what you’re saying. In which case you should educate yourself.


Jagganatha wrote:A UK dealer has a stock of about 30 secondhand Q2 cameras right now. Perhaps you can tell me why anyone would wish to get rid of a Q2?Or pay about £4000 for one with a mere 6 months guarantee?I have heard tales of dust on the sensor, and in the viewfinder: I have seen examples of extraordinary banding in normal indoor lighting, so my first demand is that these do not occur EVER again, and that weatherproofing and dustproofing is actually for real, in every camera at any price, simply as the bog-standard basis of viable manufacture for use of an electrical object that once wet dies forever. A £5000 useless lump of glass and metals, hmmm.So much angst from having "heard stories". LOL.My Q3 has a fast 24-70mm or 14-35mm zoom. Cleverly it maintains your framelines of choice in your EVF as you zoom in or out, rather like the optical tunnel that the Contax G2 has, but with accuracy and space outside the frame to let you see where your chosen focal length is in relation to reality. As now, in other words, but with the advantage that you stay at the same resolution, and the same frame size whatever the focal length.The lenses are interchangeable with all L series lenses, but it is likely only the Leica branded lenses will give you such framelines for your field of view, because to exist, as now, the focal length of the lens has to be wider than it is specified.On my planet there is progress. We do not cheat customers through planned obsolescence as you earthlings do, and when it says 50 years on the base of a camera as its lifespan it will not fail to last that long and work perfectly, because we leave the lead in our solder and printed circuits, which the EU RoHS Germans do not do.....

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