A 14mm prime is needed from OMDS

Steve Balcombe

Cornflake7 wrote:tedolf wrote:So how do you explain the commercial viability of Leica and Fuji X-Pro?Current Leica owner Kauffman said that cameras are money-loosing business but he estabilished cooperation in lens designs with various (smartphone and insdustry) vendors. Leica earns money from optical designs, patents...Fuji managers admitted that without the success of X-T series there would not be any successor to X-Pro / X-E series.A company I work with makes most of its sales from averysmall part of its product range. It's not that unusual.


Current Leica owner Kauffman said that cameras are money-loosing businessJust goes to show that Leica cameras  are not overpriced


tedolf wrote:Tedolph would like to squeeze in here and bring things back on topic.First, he will relate that he owned a Leica CL for 30 years and just recently sold it with two lenses (he realized he just wasn't going to shoot film anymore) . He sold it all to a camera store for about what he paid for it 30 years ago. Conclusion: you don't buy Leicas, you just rent them.Second, The Epson RD-1 was very attractive, but the 6mp sensor was garbage in addition to being APS sized for FF M mount lenses. Those lenses worked better on 4/3 sensor with the 2x crop factor and became nice portrait lenses.Just have Cosina make Something like the RD-1 with OM-10 innards and let Panny/Leica make three totally manual lenses 15mm, 20mm and 42.5mm lenses with rangefinder cams. It will sell like hot cakes.TEdolphWith the imminent demise of DPR I think it's time for the truth to finally come out.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSB3mkOikiI&ab_channel=CameraConspiracies

Paul De Bra

In the film days 28mm "wide-angle" lenses were quite popular because of a large price difference with 24mm lenses. I also had an 28mm lens, mainly because I found a 24mm lens too expensive for the few pictures I used to take.Again because of "equivalence" with what used to be popular a lot of 14-xxx zoom lenses exist, but really 12-xxx is much more useful on the wide end.


EarthQuake wrote:tedolf wrote:Tedolph would like to squeeze in here and bring things back on topic.First, he will relate that he owned a Leica CL for 30 years and just recently sold it with two lenses (he realized he just wasn't going to shoot film anymore) . He sold it all to a camera store for about what he paid for it 30 years ago. Conclusion: you don't buy Leicas, you just rent them.Second, The Epson RD-1 was very attractive, but the 6mp sensor was garbage in addition to being APS sized for FF M mount lenses. Those lenses worked better on 4/3 sensor with the 2x crop factor and became nice portrait lenses.Just have Cosina make Something like the RD-1 with OM-10 innards and let Panny/Leica make three totally manual lenses 15mm, 20mm and 42.5mm lenses with rangefinder cams. It will sell like hot cakes.TEdolphWith the imminent demise of DPR I think it's time for the truth to finally come out.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSB3mkOikiI&ab_channel=CameraConspiraciesShhhhh.........Tedolph

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